


4 years, 6 days ago



Andromeda • Vega • Astronova

Star Stealer
April 6
Key Words:
Critical, Brilliant, Blunt, Kind, Rebellious, Protective, Stubborn

“Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, I was born with this power because someone somewhere saw what you were going to eventually be willing to do?"

At her core, the self-proclaimed witch believes herself to be sharp and protective, but she knows she can be easily led astray by those she cares for. She struggles with her sense of identity as she had to deny what she was and what she could do for so long, and often lies about her power to those she's unfamiliar with due to her wariness. Being cautious, even overly so, could mean the difference between keeping her and Orion alive, though she knows she must also be determined if she's to find their youngest brother.

Her past manifests in an uncontrollable habit of judging those around her, analyzing what she can see and guessing at what she can't to try and decide if another person is a threat. She's unafraid to voice her opinion and stand up for others, but she knows when it's best to hold back and try another angle. While some may have believed, before, that power was what mattered most to her due to her star-destroying ability, that couldn't be farther from the truth. What truly matters to Andie are her siblings, all three of them, even the one who she had to leave behind, and there's no limit to what she's willing to do if it means keeping them safe.




While her magic is certainly Astronova-celestial, it isn't limited to that. Hers is capable of stretching beyond that, into a (literally) darker place. Andie can use the stars as a map, divine others’ fortunes and futures, draw on the universe’s energy and redirect it as though it were her own...but she can also do the opposite. She can influence fortunes and futures as opposed to only reading them, can destroy energy instead of making it her own, and could, as she eventually learned through her own practice, blot out entire stars.

Young as she'd been, entangled in teachings and politics not intended for those her age, it was all she could do to keep her youngest brother from being permanently removed. Desperate to keep her siblings safe, knowing what her parents were willing to do and capable of doing, she threw herself not into her celestial teachings but instead into witchcraft. She'd heard many stories of the mystical, incredible things witches had been able to do over the course of history, though her family had wiped out a large portion of the written accounts: a witch, decades before, had very nearly ended the Astronova line, which had bred distrust.

No one could know of her studies, and no one could know what she had learned. Not until she was strong enough. But, in the end, Andie was stretched thin, too thin, and things were set into motion that hurried her timeline.

The day Orion had been coaxed into helping her parents remove Delphinus' shadow was the end of normalcy. Her youngest brother's situation was already deplorable, a driving force for her to practice her special kind of magic until it could be used to dismantle the legacy her family had been building, but using another child in such an act…

It was her that had thrown Delphinus into a teleport spell. Learning the spell had taken ages, gathering enough power to get him far enough away even longer, but she had to hope that he would be safe. She then had to use the same spell on herself and Orion, when the underlying signature in the spell pointed directly back at her. She wasn't about to let anything bad happen to Orion, she had already failed Delphinus far too many times.

Now having landed in the city, Andie has done what she could to form some semblance of a life for her and Orion while also keeping their identities a secret. At the same time, she's begun looking for Delphinus both in underground networks as well as upper-class ones, as her deception for her magic's sake and her background with a highly-esteemed family gave her an edge in both arenas respectively. All she knows is she's looking for someone with ice magic...which really isn't enough to go on.


  • "Yes, I'm Andromeda. Yes, of the Astronovas. ...please just call me Andie, this really is too much. I just came here to learn like everyone else, not to be coddled."
  • "This is the exact opposite of what I should be doing, but that's fine. I don't always do what I'm told, and if this is what the situation deems necessary...well, I'm willing to risk myself if I have to."
  • "This isn't right! You can't do this to us, we're your children, not some kind of slightly-wrong experiment!"
  • "If mom and dad won't look out for you...then I will. I'm the oldest, that's what I do."



Ri [ Brother ]

"Oh...Ri, you had no way to know. They're your parents, of course you wouldn't, I don't know how Delphinus is holding up. I'm sorry."


Delphie [ Brother ]

"I know exactly what it's like to not be able to be what mom and dad want you to be. I'm just trying to figure out how to get you out."


Cassie [ Sister ]

"Don't blindly follow everything they tell you, Cass. You're smarter than that and I know it, they've paid for you to be that kind of smart. Make them regret it."

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