


3 years, 10 months ago


"Bow thy head and avert thine eyes before The Holy Shadow, The Northern Storm, the True Lady of the Frozen Sands, the goddess Twilight."

Twilight is the manifestation of cosmic shadows, or the spaces between the stars and the mass that gathers there unpercieved by mortal eyes. She is also a goddess physically on Astarad with immense powers in the domains of darkness, water, and stone. Twilight is the patron of caregivers - healers, teachers, academics, farmers, anyone who tends to another being or thing. But like all power, there is a caveat: Twilight can only access her magic during at night. During the day, she relies on her lover, Solstice, for protection and aid.

Twilight can come off as cold because of her towering stature and quiet nature, but it belies a loving and thoughtful woman. She's doting with those she cares about, sometimes to the point of being smothering, and can pass hours daydreaming or gardening. Though not as outgoing as her partner, there's never room to doubt Twilight's affection - or hatred. She's quick to judge and quick to take action when emotions get the better of her. Twilight is both in control of herself and lost to her emotions, but such contradictions are merely a part of being an immortal goddess who is also space itself.

Relationship summary:

Solstice: girlfriend, partner, lover, etc. Twilight is a big huge gay who loves her smol gf. Twilight is always amazed at Solstice's dedication to her duty. She appreciates when Solstice calms her down, but would appreciate it even more if the Holy Light would pick up her clothes off the floor.

Ramin: the calm, quiet respect between two introverts who like to exist alone, together. Ramin helps her in the garden.

The Oracle: Twilight is still, after ten years, trying to convince the Oracle she does not hate him. It is very hard to come back from accidently appearing behind him covered in beet juice, though. Her continued attempts to show him affection often backfire.

Oz: She's had Oz for one (1) day and if anything happened to the bringer of the apocalypse she would kill everyone in this room and then herself.