


4 years, 7 days ago


Daphne - "Dove"
9 years
100% Glenmore
770 of the New Age
Royal - Lady







Build: Tall and slim, she may not be as bright of coat as can be, but she definitely has an absolutely perfect built for a lady.

Rack: Hopefully neither rack nor gods forbid tusks will stain her one day.

Hair: Dove loves to have her hair brushed and styled, she takes great pride in it and keeping it long and pretty.

Coat: Despite not being a perfectly light shade, her coat still can be considered very beautiful.

Eyes: Sweet and friendly, she might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but her eyes show her pure soul.

Items/Companion(s): -none-

Voice Actor: tba

  • Build: Light
  • Height: 1ohh
  • Eye Colour: blue
  • Magic Type: Earth
  • Herd: Glenmore
  • Fawn Design | Lady Daphne
  • Phenotype: Smokey Cream Part Restricted Classic Fawn
  • Genotype: Ee/aa/Ff/CrCr/fwfws/nrz
  • Mane: Normal
  • Height: Normal
  • Purchases: -none-

Naive | Guliable | Oblivious | Simple | Dreamy | Sweet | Giving | Bubbly



Lady Daphne was born to loving parents, who were very happy to have a little lady daughter, they might tend to protected her just a tad too much, but she never minded.

Dove grew up very happy, but also somewhat sheltered and pampered. Her parents made sure she only played with proper fawns of royal decent so far and while they always let her have her fun, they also were very careful about making sure their daughter would never play rough or hurt herself as it was unfit for a lady. Not that Dove would want that anyway!

Dove never minded her parents protective nature, she actually always loved being pampered. It however might not exactly help in her developing any sort of aware or critical personality. All she ever knew was her perfect little world full of nice friends, humble, sweet servents who would gladly do whatever she asked from them and handsome lords as well as beautiful ladies. In a way, Dove grows up in her own little fairy tale and a fairy tale is what she believes in. If she might keep living this dream or be in for a rude awakening is yet in the stars, so far the little filly keeps on living her perfect little dream.


Year 775 of the New Age.

Daphne comes of age and is won by the handsome Lord Tuscan. He is strong and firm, but also very gentlemanly and kind towards her. She happily stays as part of his harem for the time being. She conceives her first fawn by the young lord and while pregnancy at first is very scary to her and not at all what she expected, right after birthing a healthy fawn, she realizes it was worth it - not only was she pampered even more while pregnant, her status only seemed to rise after the birth of the baby and naturally, the little bean is super duper cute, too.

Year 776 of the New Age.

While Daphne enjoys her time with Lord Tuscan, she also grows a bit bored of always having the same routine and same faces around her every day - how dull! After having had her first fawn, she also comes to relize that now Lord Tuscan seems even more inclined to do her favors - after all, she gave him a healthy fawn. However, why only stop there? Why only have one lord do her favors in return of having been given a fawn - something easy and not very hard to achieve, least not to Dove - she decides that one harem is good, but more harems are better! Daphne is quite certain that she won't spend the next rut with Tuscan. He is a nice stag, but there are many more stags whose good side she wants to get on by giving them fawns and earning their favor in return. Who knows, it might come in handy one day.

Year 777 of the New Age.

Daphne leaves Lord Tuscan's harem and joins Lord Deinomenes - for this rut season - the next rut season she knowns another influencial stag will take her into his harem and many more to come. A girl gotta do what's in a girl's hand to do and so Daphne plays stags by their own rules.





code by:jiko| art by @ user