Mercer Moore



7 years, 4 months ago


12/30/16. Cody and Vespira's - egg 37. Mercer's a beautiful melanistic noodle who, despite his agility, gets pushed onto his face a lot (by accident...mostly). Completely lacking arms has been somewhat rough on him, but he's hardly one to complain. He's an adapter and if something's not working out, he'll make it. He can be surprisingly graceful and quick with good balance and core strength, but he sort of ruins it by being a doof. While he can be quiet and brooding, he's more often a big dork, antagonizing his siblings and parents just as much as anybody else. He's been known to pull pranks on people and near pass out from laughing at video game glitches. Has a horrible time keeping the hair out of his eyes, but always seems to fix it in a majestic way without realizing it. Has pretty thick eyelashes, as well. Very, very frequently, he'll appear as the perfect guy for three seconds...and then fall into a pool or something. He's completely oblivious to this. He's got a really clear voice that can do the unnecessarily deep talking thing (which is wasted on words like "moist"). He's pretty good at singing, but isn't typically caught doing it. He's got a whistle he could destroy you with, but thankfully, he doesn't usually do that. Also can do that horrible banshee screech of a whistle using his tail instead of fingers. Round doorknobs are the bane of hisĀ existence

I don't know whY, but I can't help but imagine him singing 50 Ways to Say Goodbye by Train and being 100% into it

Voice > singer from 4th Point...? (Sick of it All)