Nova Wilding



7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Human, Hedge Witch


Magic specializing in: Enchanting, Warding, and Pyromancy along with basic hand to hand combat


Nova puts on the front of being a rebel and having little respect for those in power. She is a survivor at heart and will take her own well being and that of her familiar, Sol before that of any others. She will however try to talk her way out of bad situations before resorting to magic or fighting. After all, when most of the people she runs into are vampires who would love a taste of her blood it pays to be able to talk her way out. That or prove herself too useful to kill.

Physical Description

Nova is tiny, standing at only five feet tall with a near stick thin frame she doesn't come across as a fighter at first glance. Her hair is cut to a pixie cut that is rather spiky and tends to stick up every which way. It is dyed a blue/black color. She has green eyes with hints of a honey brown to them in the right light.

Other shit

Nova is oath bound to follow Loki. While this is useful when she gets into a situation where she needs to summon him, he can also require her to complete tasks at near any time. They tend to sass the crap out of each other.