
4 years, 17 hours ago


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 17

Species: Unknown

Height: 6'0

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Skin Color: Caucasian

Wardrobe: Croptops all the way!!

Keithen is a friendly monster that loves jello and always has candy on him. He is very happy go lucky and loved to make sure everyone feels included. He gives his friends nicknames and is not afraid to treat them on vacations or buy them meals.

He is one of the few monsters apart of an integration program, which allows monster students to go to human only schools in an attempt to provide diversity.

He speaks normally through his bottom mouth and his top mouth speaks his true thoughts, he calls it his Inner Voice.

He does not like getting his hair wet and can become very upset if it does happen. He always wears crop tops and has an athletic build. He is best friends are Benj and Mal.