Frosted Lake (Ylva)



1 year, 2 months ago


Frostbite / Ylva Red-Water Jeweler

Now I've got a confession- when I was young, I wanted attention.

When I Grow Up - The Pussycat Dolls



Oops- I Did It Again.

Frostbite; injury to body tissues caused by exposure to extreme cold

Ylva; means "she-wolf", a derivative of Old Norse úlfr "wolf".



21+ Moons (as of Winter 111)

Late Spring 110

Amsu the Gryphon

Pansexual Panromantic


The Mirror

Know Thyself.

  • Courteous
  • Bubbly
  • Lyrical
  • Playful
  • Caring

  • Competitive
  • Familial
  • Impressionable
  • Proud

  • Fiery
  • Foolish
  • Impulsive
  • Narcissistic
  • Overimaginative

Multi-faceted is an excellent way to describe Ylva. From being an 'angel' as a child, a smothering childhood has led to a more rebellious side within this cat. Around those who are in charge, and just in general, on the outside, she still appears to be a very darling and caring individual, bubbly and full of charm; a picture of perfect behaviour and well-mannered, after all she was raised with manners and respect in mind at all times.

But in reality, a lot of her well mannered behaviour and 'angelic' appearance is just a mask that when removed reveals their true actions. Fueled by ambition and pride, they're not one who easily backs down; willing to stretch the limits to try to reach their goals, especially when it's in the case of being a competition. Despite being distanced and holding complicated feelings towards their blood family, familial bonds and those akin to family are extremely important to her; not one for others bad mouthing them.

She can also often find herself being a bit... impressionable by the words and actions of those around them, often taking information that she is given at face value and not checking for herself the legitimacy of them. This pairs rather well with the fact that they can occasionally be on the more foolish side, not always using their brain to their advantage.

Despite their name being associated with cold, Frost has a definite firey side to them, especially when those they hold important or competition is involved; not one to hold her tongue with those of similar rank to her. In some ways, it's this same fire that also leads to her being a bit on the impulsive side, not always thinking things through before throwing themself into things head first.

Finally, they're also very narcissistic, firmly one to believe that they're very great at things, even when they're... not exactly the best at the task, and one to flaunt their looks and try to use it to their advantage.


ESFP-A (The Entertainer)

Queen of Wands; Courage, confidence, independence, social butterfly, determination

8w7 (The Challenger; The Maverick) OR 7w8 (The Enthusiast; The Realist)



Chaotic Neutral

Lone Wolf

  • Snow
  • Moths
  • Gems
  • Rain

  • Hot Days
  • Being Corrected
  • Droughts
  • Cowards

  • Death
  • Loved Ones Dying

  • Have some fun
  • Find true love

  • Write a trivia item here. This box will grow with content.
  • You can add as many as you want, the boxes should adjust on their own. If something looks odd, try adjusting the padding or the margins of this box and of the history box.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

The stats below are the core stats allocated using flex points and based on character age. They do not include bonus stats from sets of armor, equipment, hobbies, starstones, or skills.








Primary Water Tribers are controllers of water, the most important life source of nature itself. Capable of bending and manipulating water to their will, and at later stages large rivers.

Skill 1

Water Walking

“You walk on water, easy breezy. The more experienced you get, the less focus you need. Eventually, you can walk on water just as easily as you walk on land. Water becomes more integral and a part of your body, a part of your soul. It almost feels like you can't be hurt by it any more.”

Novice: -2 dmg from water-type attacks.
Proficient: -4 dmg from water-type attacks.
Adept: -6 dmg from water-type attacks.
Master: -8 dmg from water-type attacks.

Cost: 0 Arc
Additional Notes: Passive skill. Reduces damage from all water-based attacks.

Skill 2

Water Manipulation

“You've begun to control the water. You can lift and shape water at your wish; the amount of water and complexity of the shape depends on your experience and practice. Very useful for droughts and bringing water to camp for kits and elders and others who are unable to go fetch water on their own.”

Novice: Shapes water around parts of the enemy. 10% chance of root. Deals 2 damage per each round held active.
Proficient: Shapes water around parts of the enemy. 20% chance of root. Deals 4 damage per each round held active.
Adept: Shapes water around parts of the enemy. 30% chance of root. Deals 6 damage per each round held active.
Master: Shapes water around parts of the enemy. 40% chance of root. Deals 8 damage per each round held active.

Cost: 2 Arc (+1 per round active)
Additional Notes: Root lasts 2 rounds (casting round and the following) and hinders melee basic attacks/skills. Enemies must make a saving throw each turn in order to break free of the root (30% chance of success). Elemental/skills can be used, but fire is halved and lightning doubled.

Skill 3


“What are cats of Water if we can't BE underwater. You are able to create a bubble around your head, a pocket of air, which enables you to walk or swim underwater without worry of drowning. Later you can create a pocket for others as well, permitting them to join you in your underwater adventures!”

Novice: Prevents drowning in self.
Proficient: Prevents drowning in self + 1 ally target.
Adept: Prevents drowning in self + 2 ally targets.
Master: Prevents drowning in self + 3 ally targets.

Cost: 2 Arc
Additional Notes: Drowning effects are moves performed by an enemy that encases you in liquid to damage your character over time. Excellent to counter abilities like the primary’s Water Manipulation or to attack from under water (doing so renders you unreachable for most foes).

Skill 4


“You can change the physical state of water, be it liquid, solid or gas. Solid (Ice) works great as hard offense while gas (water vapor / steam / fog) is a great way to obscure the view of an enemy or mask your movements. You can also control the water, steam, or ice you have changed and make interesting shapes out of them for show.”

Novice: Solidifies the water into an icicle and pierces the foe for 6 dmg (ice) OR breaks it apart to vapor, diminishes enemy’s accuracy by 1 (gas)
Proficient: Solidifies the water into an icicle and pierces the foe for 8 dmg (ice) OR breaks it apart to vapor, diminishes enemy’s accuracy by 2 (gas)
Adept: Solidifies the water into an icicle and pierces the foe for 10 dmg (ice) OR breaks it apart to vapor, diminishes enemy’s accuracy by 3 (gas)
Master: Solidifies the water into an icicle and pierces the foe for 12 dmg (ice) OR breaks it apart to vapor, diminishes enemy’s accuracy by 4 (gas)

Cost: 3 Arc
Additional Notes: Requires a landscape of water (novice-adepts cannot draw this skill from deserts/dry areas). Masters can draw water-substances from deserts as well, detecting the slightest trail of liquid down below. Gas doesn’t stack, but applies a permanent debuff on the target based on their mastery level.

Skill 5


“You can use water to heal yourself or an ally for a little bit of health and energy! While it cannot provide yourself with accurate medical care, it can be useful when in a pinch! The higher the mastery, the larger and more serious the wounds can be treated with water therapy. Fills the patient with a sense of calm and coolness provided by the water being used. Perfect for cleaning out wounds as well!”

Novice: Heals for 6 TGH.
Proficient: Heals for 8 TGH.
Adept: Heals for 10 TGH.
Master: Heals for 12 TGH.

Cost: 3 Arc
Additional Notes: While not precise, it can help prevent a cat from bleeding out or getting a serious infection. Especially useful for muscle soreness and tension.

Cats at Novice/Proficient can heal kits back to full health while cats at Adept/Master can heal apprentices back to full health. (Barring any buffs the ally may have.)

Skill 6

Water Whip

“Your control of water is faster and more precise, and you can now create a whip made of water that can be used to lash at prey or enemies. With more training the precision is increased further, permitting you to accurately strike objects far away. It can't be used as a lasso, but it can certainly strike like a snake!”

Novice: Lashes at the enemy, twice a turn for 5 dmg per blow. (10 total)
Proficient: Lashes at the enemy, twice a turn for 6 dmg per blow. (12 total)
Adept: Lashes at the enemy, twice a turn for 7 dmg per blow. (14 total)
Master: Lashes at the enemy, twice a turn for 8 dmg per blow. (16 total)

Cost: 4 Arc
Additional Notes: In the casting round, the two attacks are guaranteed to hit. Must still roll to hit for both lashes after initial cast. Accuracy on the second hit +2. Lasts until interrupted (damaged by enemy, using other skills) at all tiers.

Skill 7

Thick and Thin

“You can change the viscosity of the water, making it more fluid and harder to gain control of, or less so and hard to move through or rid oneself of. I.e higher viscosity makes the water thick like honey, and lower makes it less dense, like air. Can help change the flow of rivers and gives the Water Tribers perfect control of its rowdy nature!”

Novice: Higher viscosity: Makes the liquid thick, like honey, and lays it over the enemy, suppressing movement. Lowers the speed stat by 2. 35% chance of affecting the party upon cast.
Lower viscosity: Makes the liquid extremely thin, splashing it over the ground and making it extremely slippery. Lowers accuracy on basic attacks by 1. 35% chance of affecting the party upon cast.
Proficient: Higher viscosity: Makes the liquid thick, like honey, and lays it over the enemy, suppressing movement. Lowers the speed stat by 3. 30% chance of affecting the party upon cast.
Lower viscosity: Makes the liquid extremely thin, splashing it over the ground and making it extremely slippery. Lowers accuracy on basic attacks by 2. 30% chance of affecting the party upon cast.
Adept: Higher viscosity: Makes the liquid thick, like honey, and lays it over the enemy, suppressing movement. Lowers the speed stat by 4. 25% chance of affecting the party upon cast.
Lower viscosity: Makes the liquid extremely thin, splashing it over the ground and making it extremely slippery. Lowers accuracy on basic attacks by 3. 25% chance of affecting the party upon cast.
Master: Higher viscosity: Makes the liquid thick, like honey, and lays it over the enemy, suppressing movement. Lowers the speed stat by 5. 20% chance of affecting the party upon cast.
Lower viscosity: Makes the liquid extremely thin, splashing it over the ground and making it extremely slippery. Lowers accuracy on basic attacks by 4. 20% chance of affecting the party upon cast.

Cost: 4 Arc
Additional Notes: Must roll for all allies. Affects the target for the remainder of the fight. Could change initiative/turn order. Can stack with other skills’ debuffs.

Skill 8

Pulling Water

“You are incredibly attuned to water. You can feel it around you now, and your sensing of it is very fine. With this, you are able to pull water out of the world around you (grass, trees, plants, water trapped in rocks, even water in other animals), and your manipulation of it is excellent. As long as there's water around, you're able to make use of it!”

Novice: Pulls water from the surroundings and creates a water-armor that defends against fire-attacks (completely), 30% chance to dodge incoming attacks of other kind (skills, basic attacks etc.). Can take 2 hits.
Proficient: Pulls water from the surroundings and creates a water-armor that defends against fire-attacks (completely), 40% chance to dodge incoming attacks of other kind (skills, basic attacks etc.). Can take 3 hits.
Adept: Pulls water from the surroundings and creates a water-armor that defends against fire-attacks (completely), 50% chance to dodge incoming attacks of other kind (skills, basic attacks etc.). Can take 4 hits.
Master: Pulls water from the surroundings and creates a water-armor that defends against fire-attacks (completely), 60% chance to dodge incoming attacks of other kind (skills, basic attacks etc.). Can take 5 hits.

Cost: 4 Arc
Additional Notes: Fire-attacks do not shed the armor (note that heat-based attacks or extremely warm environment can make the armor evaporate faster! ie: reduces number of hits by 1).

Skill 9

Creeping Ice

"With enough water you can cover the ground with ice, potentially freezing the feet of your enemies to immobilize them, or simply giving them unstable ground. Or you can send a ray of ice over the ground directly towards your enemy to freeze them. Also makes it possible to make neat ice rinks for winter activities!"

Novice: Lowers accuracy by 1. 40% chance of rooting enemies.
Proficient: Lowers accuracy by 2. 50% chance of rooting enemies.
Adept: Lowers accuracy by 3. 60% chance of rooting enemies.
Master: Lowers accuracy by 4. 70% chance of rooting enemies.

Cost: 0 Arc
Additional Notes: Ice melts after 5 turns (a successful root thus roots the enemy for 5 turns). Accuracy debuff affects everyone but the caster, but is removed when the ice melts.

Skill 10

Rain on Me

"By manipulating the water droplets in the air, the user can create a small cloud of rain that soothes the surrounding area. Useful for putting out fires or watering a garden, this rain also has a magical healing effect for cats caught underneath it. It is soothing to the touch."

Novice: A rain cloud is summoned, healing 7 TGH per ally.
Proficient: A rain cloud is summoned, healing 8 TGH per ally.
Adept: A rain cloud is summoned, healing 9 TGH per ally.
Master: A rain cloud is summoned, healing 10 TGH per ally.

Cost: 5 Arc
Additional Notes: AOE affects all allies in range. In dry climates, it will take one turn to summon the rain before taking effect next turn. Rain cloud can be blown away by an enemy, so watch out! Must be recast each round.

Skill 11

Nine Tails

"You have learned how to pressurize the water and can now create tendrils similar to the Water Whip, but these are attached to your body as if they were extra limbs or tails. With pressure, the water can be semi-solid but still fluid like water, enabling you to grasp or whip things with more precision. The more experienced you are, the finer your movements."

Novice: Restricts enemy with tendrils (root, 2 rounds) OR slams into the enemy for 14 dmg, +7 per turn held active.
Proficient: Restricts enemy with tendrils (root, 3 rounds) OR slams into the enemy for 16 dmg, + 8 per turn held active.
Adept: Restricts enemy with tendrils (root, 4 rounds) OR slams into the enemy for 18 dmg, +9 per turn held active.
Master: Restricts enemy with tendrils (root, 5 rounds) OR slams into the enemy for 20 dmg, +10 per turn held active.

Cost: 5 Arc (+3 per round active)
Additional Notes: Enemy performs a saving throw each turn, 30% chance of success. Other skills/physical attacks may be performed alongside your "partner". The arm retracts after equally many rounds as the root would have lasted in the case of the offensive choice.

Skill 12

Hydrokinetic Leap

"Using water to your benefit, you can get it to rise up behind you and give you extra strength, using it to add more force to your jump. This is particularly helpful to get up on high ledges, cross large crevices in the ground, etc. As you practice this, you may even be able to use it to fling opponents away! Allows the user to walk through the sky if it is raining!"

Novice: Disrupts the enemy during their attack. Deals 14 damage upon the following turn as the target drops from the sky.
Proficient: Disrupts the enemy during their attack. Deals 16 damage upon the following turn as the target drops from the sky.
Adept: Disrupts the enemy during their attack. Deals 18 damage upon the following turn as the target drops from the sky.
Master: Disrupts the enemy during their attack. Deals 20 damage upon the following turn as the target drops from the sky. 70% chance of stunning the enemy, hindering its move for 2 rounds.

Cost: 5 Arc
Additional Notes: First round, the enemy becomes "flying" and may not be able to be targeted by basic attacks/melee ranged attacks. Second round is when the enemy hits the ground and is dealt additional damage. At Master, the enemy has a chance to become stunned. Grounded foes cannot be inflicted by this skill - at most be disrupted (unable to attack that round).

Skill 13

Scalding Steam

“You are able to control the water molecules in the air, rapidly heating them up to turn liquid water into steam to then use as an attack to burn your foes! Depending on the level of mastery one has, the more severe the burn will be.

Note: Misuse on a tribecat will result in exile!”

Novice: Deals 9 DMG and causes 3 Burn DMG for 3 rounds (18 total)
Proficient: Deals 11 DMG and causes 3 Burn DMG for 3 rounds (20 total)
Adept: Deals 13 DMG and causes 3 Burn DMG for 3 rounds (22 total)
Master: Deals 15 DMG and causes 3 Burn DMG for 3 rounds (24 total)

Cost: 6 Arc
Additional Notes: N/A

Skill 14

Glacial Spears

“You are able to control the water molecules in the air, slowing them down and cooling them to turn liquid water into spears of ice to then use as an attack against your foes! These spears are extremely fragile and may break upon impact, however, so take caution while using them! The ice is cold to the touch, but does not melt due to your magic. The higher your skill level, the stronger the ice becomes.”

Novice: Conjures up 1 spear to toss at an enemy, dealing 18 DMG. May be used like a weapon until it breaks.
Proficient: Conjures up 1 spear to toss at an enemy, dealing 20 DMG. May be used like a weapon until it breaks.
Adept: Conjures up 1 spear to toss at an enemy, dealing 22 DMG. May be used like a weapon until it breaks.
Master: Conjures up 1 spear to toss at an enemy, dealing 24 DMG. May be used like a weapon until it breaks.

Cost: 6 Arc
Additional Notes: Has a 20% chance of breaking upon each physical hit. Can be cast twice to dual-wield two spears, but no more than two can be handled at a time.

Skill 15

Torrent Cloak

“You can change your entire body into water and make yourself entirely impervious to the needs of an average, mortal cat, and move through the water entirely unseen. You have control over holding the water of your body together, but the consequence to this is that you can only use this skill for so long before you begin to fall apart, which could spell devastating physical repercussions to your body. With practice, you can increase your time using this skill.”

Novice: Manifests into a torrent cloak. Blocks 18 Dmg. Torrent Cloak can regenerate as long as it's held cast when it hits 0, otherwise it disintegrates when it reaches 0.
Proficient: Manifests into a torrent cloak. Blocks 20 Dmg. Torrent Cloak can regenerate as long as it's held cast when it hits 0, otherwise it disintegrates when it reaches 0.
Adept: Manifests into a torrent cloak. Blocks 22 Dmg. Torrent Cloak can regenerate as long as it's held cast when it hits 0, otherwise it disintegrates when it reaches 0.
Master: Manifests into a torrent cloak. Blocks 24 Dmg. Torrent Cloak can regenerate as long as it's held cast when it hits 0, otherwise it disintegrates when it reaches 0.

Cost: 6 Arc
Additional Notes: MUST be canceled manually. Consumes a turn to end. Leaving it toggled past the tier’s turn limit will start applying damage to the caster each turn.

Skill 16

Release the Kraken

“You can now encase yourself with water, creating an entirely new being that you control. The more experience you have, and the more water, the bigger you can make your Water Monster! This takes a lot of concentration and energy to sustain, and if you are somehow knocked from the monster, it will immediately return into puddles of water.

The shape of each cat's Kraken is unique, though it mostly resembles a giant octopus or squid with the water arms. Any and all designs must be checked by an admin for approval.”

Novice: The additional arms deal 6 dmg each round (24 total to a single target).
Proficient: The additional arms deal 7 dmg each round (28 total to a single target).
Adept: The additional arms deal 8 dmg each round (32 total to a single target).
Master: The additional arms deal 9 dmg each round (36 total to a single target).

Cost: 7 Arc (+4 per round active)
Additional Notes: Conjures a total of 4 water arms/tentacles to then lash out at the enemy. Up to 4 different enemies can be targeted, one for each arm and must be specified if attacking separately or together. This skill is canceled if an enemy attack hits the caster or the user casts another skill.

Skill 17

Winter is Coming

“The caster is able to turn any surrounding water into slush, snow, or even ice. Using their skill of controlling water in every form, they can then proceed to blow this into a large blizzard, increasing in size with mastery that can deal massive damage to the surrounding enemies. Other primaries can join in to create a mighty force to be reckoned with, but be careful that a storm may grow out of control if not monitored properly. Perfect for creating a winter wonderland for others to enjoy, even in the heat of summer~!”

Novice: Creates a local blizzard that deals 12 dmg to all enemies. Lasts 2 rounds. Speed is reduced by 1. Chance to lose control of the blizzard: 40%
Proficient: Creates a local blizzard that deals 14 dmg to all enemies. Lasts 2 rounds. Speed is reduced by 1. Chance to lose control of the blizzard: 30%
Adept: Creates a local blizzard that deals 16 dmg to all enemies. Lasts 2 rounds. Speed is reduced by 2. Chance to lose control of the blizzard: 20%
Master: Creates a local blizzard that deals 18 dmg to all enemies. Lasts 2 rounds. Speed is reduced by 2. Chance to lose control of the blizzard: 10%

Cost: 7 Arc
Additional Notes: Cannot be cast in tropical and volcanic areas, unless snow has been summoned. Snow melts faster in hotter areas, so effects are halved. Speed stat is temporarily reduced for the duration of the blizzard and can stack if others join in. Both allies and enemies are affected by the debuff, so use this skill wisely! Can change the order of initiative.

Skill 18

By Your Blood

"You are a master of the element of water; you can sense every single drop around you, and you know how to manipulate it all. You can even sense the water in another being's body and as such you can control them. This demands every bit of your focus, and a strong being can break free."

NOTE: Using this on another tribe-cat will result in exile.

Novice: 70% of enemy’s attack dealt to themselves instead. Must throw above 12 to be freed.
Proficient: 80% of enemy’s attack dealt to themselves instead. Must throw above 13 to be freed.
Adept: 90% of enemy’s attack dealt to themselves instead. Must throw above 14 to be freed.
Master: 100% of enemy’s attack dealt to themselves instead. Must throw above 15 to be freed.

Cost: 8 Arc (+5 per round active)
Additional Notes: Target must throw a d20 to save themselves from the curse.

Skill 19

Snow Halation

“In a last ditch effort, the user may expand their own molecules and turn their form into a misty gas, almost like a fog. Lasting for a few rounds, depending on mastery, the cat lingers on and is able to lend its support until the fog burns away and they are knocked out for the remainder of the fight. The fog is misty and full of snow crystals, and the user is temporarily intangible. Some cats even say the fog hangs around like a halo, giving the appearance of an angelic being. Is that a melody I hear...?”

Novice: Revives with 70% of max health.
Proficient: Revives with 80% of max health.
Adept: Revives with 90% of max health.
Master: Revives with 100% of max health.

Cost: 10 Arc
Additional Notes: Can either be Self or Ally Cast. If self cast, the caster must be at 0 TGH before they can cast it. Ally Cast can only be cast on fainted allies. Castor faints upon reviving an Ally. Outside of combat, the caster always dies.

Skill 20

Primordial State

The ultimate skill, this skill allows the user to embrace the power and raw element of their spirit at a percentage based on mastery. The more proficient you are the more extreme the changes to your body are. This is a last resort and uses a lot of arcane energy. Only one other skill can be used with this active at a time! (Regular arcane cost of the skill applies)

Novice: 25% spirit power absorption- 2x Damage, +10 to Toughness
Proficient: 50% spirit power absorption- 2x Damage, +15 to Toughness, +5 Arcane pool
Adept: 75% spirit power absorption- 2x Damage,+20 to Toughness, +10 Arcane pool
Master: 100% spirit power absorption- 2x Damage, +25 to Toughness, +20 Arcane pool

Cost: 7 Arc per round
Additional Notes: Must unlock all skills in a tree to be able to purchase.

Hobby 1


Hobby 2


Hobby 3


Chapter Zero: Prologue.

A Summary.

Ylva was born to royals outside of the Tribes and spent much of her childhood smothered by rules and restrictions as the only girl of her litter. This over-attention led to her desiring to act out and rebel against her family, beginning to negatively reflect on them all. They eventually ended up being sent to the Tribes to give her a fresh start and a better outlet.

Chapter One: Childhood.

A Princess Born Among Lords.

Born the only daughter in a litter of four, Ylva has lived a lavished life style for a lot of their life. Child of Lords Jesper and Agnar, carried by their close friend Katja, the four kits were a form of royalty in the area of which they lived beyond the boundaries of Corondryx.

Raised alongside a trio of cousins born only a week later to Jesper's sister, from an early age, Ylva fostered a competitive spark with her cousins and siblings, a blazing flame that her fathers tried to tame and tamper down with lessons and poise. Even though they flourished with the amount of love and attention that she was given, at the same time, Ylva felt she was being smothered with it as she grew older. She felt too boxed in with all of the rules and the emphasis that since she was the Lords' only girl, she especially should be proper and kind to those around her.

Chapter Two: Adolescence.

Rebelling Youth.

While her brothers and cousins played and competed among each other, she had lessons on how to act and how to speak to others of high ranks and as she grew older, she also grew tired of this, of all the lessons and expectations. They knew how to be proper, how to be polite, but they wanted to be wild, they wanted to rebel and be their own person. So, they started to act out- skipping out on lessons, messing around with other adolescents with known bad reputations.

This acting out begun to give their family a negative reputation in their region, and having heard of the tribes and rumors of it, the family decided to send Ylva to the tribes, hoping it would give her a better outlet and a fresh start. It was multiple days travel, until eventually Ylva found their way to the Meadow of Serenity, receiving their tattoo and the name of Frostbite.

Chapter Three: Adulthood.

A New Beginning.

Ylva's time within the Tribes has just begun.

This tab focuses on Ylva's general attitude and demeanor towards those they consider lovers.

Adoration and especially willing to believe. Ylva focuses a lot of energy towards those that she considers a lover. Still willing to compete with them, she can often be found hanging off of them, her personality taking a lot more of her bubbly and sing-songy side around them.

These cats are treasured dearly and if they are wronged, Ylva takes it as a personal offense as well.

This tab focuses on Ylva's general attitude and demeanor towards those they consider family.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

This tab focuses on Ylva's general attitude and demeanor towards those they consider friends.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

This tab focuses on Ylva's general attitude and demeanor towards those they consider acquaintances.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

This tab focuses on Ylva's general attitude and demeanor towards those they consider strangers.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

This tab focuses on Ylva's general attitude and demeanor towards those they consider enemies.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.




The stricter of Ylva's fathers, they're always conflicted on how to feel about him truly. Agnar is not an overly emotional cat, and harder to read than most.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Character Name



Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Character Name



Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.