★ Savior ★'s Comments

okay to keep it short. i'd love to adopt him and add him into the family of my fursona. i still gotta figure a name out but it's probably gonna be wheater or like sky based. since the color is giving me that vibe. Not sure if he will be a pet to them or a full character like a brother or smt like this^^! but i really love his design. his character will probably be fitting wiht the one with sunshine since he will be acting like a lil angel to them and will help sunshine to get the smaller siblings to behave. and get the oldest sibling lun my fursona to not stress way to much!
thanks for reading and i hope u like the idea^^! i'll link lun in ic so u know who i mean
Edit: it also could be that i make a new family with them. since i have som e other characters that need some fitting design^^"!

Absolutely love it! Sounds so sweet <3

Sent the transfer! Enjoy them <3

thank youu :D!!