


4 years, 3 days ago

Basic Info

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NUMBER (342) Owner: Jess 

Name: Taharka (Nickname T)

Godparent: Ghosty

Age: 4 y.o

Bloodline: Chevalier

Birthdate: June 2nd, 2020

Upload Date: August 9th, 2020

Sexuality: Demisexual

Gender: Male

Status: Mated to Evianna

Parents: Casanova, Develina

Cubs: N/A

Personality: While T is the runt of his litter, he has the heart of a fighter with big aspirations. He uses his smaller size to his advantage when possible. When not sparring or training, he takes after his mother’s quiet nature, preferring intellectual conversation over small-talk, but he inherited his father’s kindness, and will always help a gran in need. He's soft and sweet, rather even feminine sometimes, he'd charm you with a wink.

History: He doesn't have much of a history yet, he lived with his mom and siblings peacefully since he was adult enough to try to go on an adventure. As he always was the runt of the litter he decided to go on his own and try to become stronger or at least wiser, he'd say is not to get the approval and respect of his older siblings but deep down it's one of the reasons. 

Random facts: He hates seeing others messing with the smaller ones.

Stats: STR – 5 | RES – 4 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 2 | DEX – 5

Traits: Ears: C | Tails: UC | Fangs: C | Size: UC | Eyes: C

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A