
4 years, 19 days ago



celestial of the stars, and shares a celestial name with her siblings, that name being Constellation. she came to earth with Ray and Lue to prove herself to all of her older siblings as well as make a stand for herself. 

shes very energetic. chaotic, if you will, and looks up to Ray greatly only because she can relate to her so well. shes the only one that she feels she can be as loud and bouncy as she wants to with. she never really was very close with Lue, though. 

being the youngest of the triplets she feels as though she has something to prove. she has to make a name for herself and earn her respects. she feels as though shes on the bottom of the three and often over looked, so she tries to stand out and be her own person while also supporting and protecting Connie and Alistar as much as she can. she loves the both of them, though, and looks up to them a lot.

she got her name because while Connie is a white dwarf and Alistar is a blue supergiant, she is a red giant star. she simply went with the human name of "Red" seeing as it was easiest as well as gender neutral. (she doesn't care if people call her a boy girl or what have you, shes just herself and thats all she sees that matters.) another thing about her being based off of a red giant star is that red giants are usually stars that have burnt out it's hydrogen supply and are on the last few stages before literally exploding (aka the equivalent of star death) so she is so energetic and loud because her human body is constantly filled with endorphins. because of this and the fact that she is supposed to grow to have a radii of tens to hundreds of times larger than the sun, she can also eat a LOT and the only reason she isn't taller than Alistar yet is because shes the youngest. she already has a couple inches on Connie.