Dr. Schpaklee



4 years, 6 days ago


Dr. Shpaklee is a humanoid slime who travels the world of Medium, searching for different kinds of animals for his science projects on creating ultimate lifeforms. It is hard to say if it is a person or a slime-beast acting like one, because his personality changes drastically from being a person to a life consuming force of nature. He seems immortal due to resistance to physical forces, temperature and aging. He can fight by stretching, shaping and solidifying his limbs (for example, in form of mace, shield or blade), as well as the body. In person he doesn’t give sings of emotions, except grimace. He doesn’t stand chit-chats, so he gets right to the point, even if its rude. He claims to be one of the smartest scientists in the world, which is quite ambitious. His types of clothing, emphatic mannerism and way of thinking is truly archaic. Nobody knows what kind of mysterious science projects he creates in his secret basement, but one thing is for sure – he looks to study anything he finds interesting, and you better run if he chooses you as the next test subject.