Kisa Hirayama




Name Kisa Hirayama
Alias Magneeta
Birthday January 20
Age 15
Gender Female
Height 165 cm
Hair Color Dark Reddish Pink
Eye Color Bright Pink
Blood type AB
Quirk Magnetic Feild
Occupation Student
Affiliation U.A. High School
Status Alive
Fighting style Gunhead Martial Arts


  • Kisa's surname is a kanji combination meaning Peaceful Mountin while her given name is a Russian name meaning kitten.
  • Kisa was born and lived in Tokyo most of her life. She moved to Musutafu after getting into U.A.
  • Before moving into the dorms, Kisa lived on her own in a small apartment that her parents helped her pay for.
  • Kisa's hands have their own magnetic pulls and can attract small metal items if she isn't wearing gloves.
  • Kisa's hair is almost always tangled. No mater what she does to it she just can't get her curls to behave themselves.
  • Kisa gets along pretty well with most of her classmates, a few notable exceptions being Bakugou, Mineta and, strangley enough, Kirishima.
  • Kisa’s U.A. Data is as Follows:
    • Student No. 24 in Class 1-A
    • Ranked 3rd in the Entrance Exam
    • Ranked 4th in Aizawa’s Quirk Apprehension Test
    • Ranked 8th in class 1-A’s Mid Term Grades
    • Ranked in the top 8 of the U.A. Sports Festival First Year Stage
  • Kisa has a soft spot for all things soft and fluffy, whether they be animal, human or plush toy.
  • Kisa's favorite pro heroes are All Might, Midnight and Hawks.
  • Kisa loves to listen to Kpop in her free time.
  • Kisa hates overly sweet and sour foods, she'd much rather eat something spicy!
  • If she can't make it as a hero, Kisa's backup plan is to become a model.
  • Kisa takes her schooling very seriously and is determind to get good marks no matter how many all nighters she has to pull.
  • Kisa enjoys painting and, more often than not, looks like she's been painting herself due to her habit of knocking over her paint pots.
  • Kisa can speak little bits of several different languages besides Japanese, including English, Russian and French. She learned all of this from trips she took with her parents as a child.
  • Kisa sleeps with a sleep mask and is the worlds heaviest sleeper! A bomb could go off on her balcony and she'd just stay alseep.
  • Kisa is not a morning person. Wake her up before she's ready and she'll come after you with a vengence.
Excellent Tactical Skills
Kisa might not be the shaprest tool in the shead but she has proved on multiple occasions that she is an excellent tactition. She excells at putting to geather plans and studying the situation from all angles.
Enhanced Strength
Even without the training she's recived over the years Kisa is naturally strong. She can easily lift large peices of debris and carry several of classmates at once.
Enhanced Endurance
Due to a combination of her quirk and the training she's recived Kisa possesses above average endurance for her age. She dosn't tire easily and can take a fare ampunt of damage and continue to fight.

Magnetic Feild Emitter | Mid to Long Range

Kisa's quirk allows her to produce magnetic feilds from the palms of her hands. This effectively makes Kisa a magnetic pole, allowing her to push and pull any metal objects within a twenty meter radius of her body.

Kisa's quirk can also affect the people around her. Depending on the strength of the feild she's producing, Kisa can disorient and even knock out her opponent. She has to be extremlycareful when doing this, however, due to the fact that exposure a strong enought magnetic feild can be lethal to living creatures.

Kisa's magnetic feilds are also capable of jamming any technology in range. She can knock out communications and short circuit some support items.

Though Kisa is imune to the lethal effects of her quirk, overuse of it does affect her negatively. Overuse can give her headaches and cause stiffness of joints.

  • Magnetic Hands
    Kisa's hands have a small magnetic pull and can attract small metal objects if she isn't wearing gloves. This annoys her greatly due to the fact that she can sometimes gets stuck to metal surfaces she touches.
Super Moves

Magna Sheild
Kisa pulls one or more large metal objects to her and uses them as a sheild.
Magna Shot
Kisa pulls one or more objects to her and then releases them from her magnetic pull. Shooting them at her target at high speeds.
  • Magna Shot: Burst
    Kisa pulls and shoots objects around her in rapid succession. Creating a barrage of "bullets" that rain down on her target.
Kisa gathers up objects around her into her magnetic feild and swirls them around her, giving her the appearance of having her own gravitational pull. This move protects her while simultaneously doing damage to her opponents.
Dissorientation Feild
Kisa traps her opponent in her magnetic feild causing them to become dissoriented and dizzy. Allowing her to attack.
  • Variation: Jamming Feild
    Kisa uses her magnetic feild to jamm/short curcuit any tech in range instead of people.

Hero Costume
Kisa's hero costume is specifically designed to help amplify her quirk and help negate it's negative effects.
  • Mangnetic Generators
    Small devices implanted in the bands around her arms and legs, as well as the band around her waste, that boost the power of her magnetic feilds.
  • Magna Grips
    Kisa's boots, specially designed to work in tandom with her naturally magnetized hands, allow her to cling to metal objects with ease. Switching the polarity on the boots allows her to launch off the objects at extremely high speeds.
  • Magna Bombs
    A support item. Small metal bombs that Kisa can shoot using her quirk. These bombs blow up ofter launch, filling the area with smoke that lowers visability.

Kisa is a kind, somewhat serious rich girl with a heart of gold. She is intensly loyal and willing to do anything for her friends and classmates, no matter the cost.

Kisa has always grivatited towards heling others and putting those around her before herself. Despite her lavish upbringing she see's helping people as more important. Kisa has a very pronounced defination of what a good person is and generally holds her fellows in the hero course to those standards, as they are based on what she belives would make a good hero. Anyone who seems to stray from these ideals, at least to her, is not a true hero.

Kisa likes almost everyone, so it's rare to find someone who genuanly pushes her buttons. When she does find a person like this she'll be very cold and unfeeling towards them. She's not rude, but she isn't nice either. Majority of the time she'll just be indifferent.

There are only a few people out there who can really piss her off and Kisa, more often than not, tries to avoid interacting with them so she won't blow her stack.

Kisa tends to give off a very "no nonsense" vibe when it comes to heroing and school work. She takes both very seriously and will call out her classmates when she thinks they aren't perfoming to the standards she thinks a U.A. student should be perfoming to. With academics this means turoing! Kisa is decently intelligent and will gladly help her classmates with their school work when they need it. She can be a bit of a tough teacher but she's helpfull and has earned herself the respect of many of her classmates.

Kisa does have a far more fun side to her that generally comes out when she goes shopping with her friends. She loves to buy her frinds gifts and share what she has.


  • Hanging Out With Friends
  • Shopping
  • Trying on/Modeling Outfits
  • Light, Flowy Fabrics
  • Warm Places
  • Spring Time
  • Taking Photo's of/Painting her Surroundings
  • Reading Manga/Comics
  • Any Shade of Pink or Purple
  • Fantasy Creatures
  • Stargazing
  • Writing in her Diary

  • Being Underestimated
  • People who are Rude for no Reason
  • People who are too Cocky
  • Jerks and Pervs
  • Needles/Knifes
  • Unessecary Drama
  • Pitch Black Darkness
  • Extremely Cold Days
  • Winter
  • Bugs and Creepy Crawlies
  • Overly Dark Colors
  • Sudden, Overly Loud Sounds
You may call me weak as much as you like, it won't make a difference in the long run!

Kisa is the only daughter of a wealthy family hailing from Tokyo. Her mother is a Russian/American model who moved to Japan for work and her father is a big business man who runs a well known support company. Her whole life, Kisa lived in the lap of luxurey. She was her parents only child and pride and joy, so they spoiled her from a very young age. For as long as she could remember, Kisa had everything a little girl could ever want; the nicest cloths, best toys, a gaggle of maids and butlers at her beck and call and a family who loved her.

Despite her lavish lifestyle, Kisa always seemed more interested in other peoples wellbeing over her own. She would donate her old toys, volenteer at soup kitchens and pet rescues and even started asking her mother and father to donate to various charities. Kisa showed every sign of someone who would someday make a good hero.

Despite her very hero like tendancies, Kisa didn't discover the desire to become a hero herself until she was around ten years old. She had been volenteering at a soup kitchen with one of her maids when they got caught up in a minor villain attack. Kisa saw the hero's protecting her and the other civilians in the area and something about them made her think. She had always enjoyed helping people and, after seeing those hero's in action, she relised that she could help more people if she became a hero too! Kisa excitly proposed the idea to her parents upon returning home and was almost imediatly shut down. Her mother was worried that it would be too dangerous and her father wanted her to contiue the family business. Kisa stubbornly refused to listen to either of them. She was going to become a hero and help people in need, weather her parents liked it or not.

With the help of her maids, Kisa began training her body and quirk for what was to come; preparing herslef all through the end of elementary and middle school, so she would be in peak physical condition for the U.A. entrance exams. Her parents, while still on the fence about the idea of her becomeing a hero, knew there was no point in trying to stop her. So they did their best to support their daughter in her endevours. Her father even offered to put in an official recomomedation for her, which Kisa denied. In her eyes getting in on recomedations was cheating and she was no cheater. Kisa was determined to get into the hero course with her own stregth and skill, not because her father was rich. When the U.A. entrance exams finally rolled around, Kisa set out with confidence. Ready to face whatever they had to throw at her!

Kisa and her father get along well.

Though he can be busy, Kaoru always tries to make some time for his only daughter. When she was younger this usually ment sitting on his lap and listeing quietly as he set up his business deals and spoke to clients. Most children would have found that endlessly boring, but Kisa loved it. Any time spent with her father was fun.

Kisa looked up to her father for his leadership skills and tough, no nonsense attitude when it came to his business.

Kisa loves her mother with all her heart, though they don't always see eye to eye.

Sonya adores her baby girl and would do anything for her. Though she sometimes has trouble understanding her desire to help others over herself, just as Kisa dosn't understand her mothers obsession with fashion and looking beutiful.

Aside from this small disagreement, Kisa and her mother are the best of friends and, even hough she dosn't get it sometimes, Kisa still admires her mother for her confidence and go getter attitude.

Minori Umeko Personal Maid | Friend

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Keiryo and Kisa became fast friends on the first day of school.

They came from completly different social classes and Kei found herself facinated with Kisa's lifestyle and it's differences from her own. Kisa is perfectly willing to sharte a little bit of what she has and welcomed Kei as friend almost imediatly.

They love to go shopping togeather and can, more often than not, be found hanging out at the mall eating fro-yo and talking about their day. Kei often has to stop Kisa from buying everything while they're there. Though she has less money avalable Kei dson't want her friend buying her all sorts of gifts and sancks.

Sora and Kisa met on the first day of school and ended up becoming friends shortly before the final exams.

Kisa didn't think much of Sora at first because of her connection and relationship with a person she deemed un-herolike, Bakugou. This didn't stop Sora, however, from trying to befriend her. Sora did eveything she could to befriend Kisa, eventually earning her resepect after she stood up and pointed out "It's not fair to judge me based on the person that I love! You have every right to hate him but don't hate me just because of my relationship with him!"

The two have been on pretty good terms ever since.

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Tsuyu Asui Friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Eijiro Kirishima One Sided Dislike

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.