
4 years, 11 days ago

Basic Info

💀 Name:


💀 Name Meaning:

Latin for "Dark One"

💀 Species:

Wolfbat Hound

💀 Sex/Gender:


💀 Dimensions:

5'6" 155 lbs

💀 Sexuality:


💀 Alignment:

Lawful Neutral

💀 Occupation:

She hunts down vengeful and dark spirits and either vanquishes them or helps them move on.

💀 Personality:

Pretty steadfast and focused while on a job, though she can be a little more easy-going during her free time. Still, Adria prefers things quiet and secluded thus, she doesn't hang out with that many others all that often. In fact, she rarely keeps friends at all. Only those who really prove their worth are allowed to remain within her tiny circle. Everyone else is easily forgotten. Yet, if you do somehow manage to win her over she will be a very loyal companion. The kind who will fight vengefully by your side should the need arise.


Adria was born from the mist of the underworld onto the earth. As such she never had a stable "family" lifestyle that one would expect. She typically traveled from place to place stealing or doing odd jobs in exchange for food and spending most of her time alone with the spirits of the world. It was this sixth sense that led her to do what she does today. Over her travels, she's learned a great deal of magick from witches and shaman alike and uses this magick within her hunts. Nowadays, Adria seems to appear and disappear as swiftly as the mists that bore her. Never remaining in one place for too long. Always on the move, hardly stopping for anyone. Her drive to find out who she really is and why she came to be urging her forward every step of the way.


  • She has a sixth sense and can both see and communicate with spirits of all kinds.
  • She knows a special type of magick that can expose and exorcise most unwanted spirits.
  • She has extensive knowledge of the spirit world in general and uses that to trap and subdue spirits.
  • Her body doesn't seem to age anymore. As soon as she reached maturity all effects of aging ceased. However, she can still die by means of physical wounds.
  • She needs to eat for energy but can survive without food or water although she'd be far weaker than she is now but physically and magickally.
  • Her body's ability to heal is much higher and faster than normal creatures. She can overcome physical illness within a couple of hours or so.