🕷️ Yuuto Nishimura



4 years, 8 days ago


"Never go back on a promise."

Name Yuuto Nishimura [ 西村 悠翔 ]
Age 20 yrs (August 25th ♍︎)
Gender Male
Race Human (Nephila Pilipes Spider FCP)
Rank T5UCHIG-MO Weaver
Theme Echoes


  • Stupid internet jokes
  • Gardening
  • Drumming
  • Reading


  • Being the central focus
  • Rude behavior
  • Dirt and sand
  • Spicy food

Loyal . Perserverant . Generous

Yuuto's family has lived in the Kurxda District for many years, going back to his great grandparents and great-great grandparents who lived in the once-lively streets of the now decimated district. It is a part of his family to teach every member how to wield and fight with a sword since his family used to be a part of a generous group of people who would teach citizens how to swordfight in an old, handed-down building. Yuuto's father wanted to give his son a headstart and teach him how to wield a sword at the age of four and a half, essentially as soon as he could listen to and take orders. Since then, Yuuto has spent a large portion of his free time training and practicing with his father or just working on improving his skills alone to himself. In other parts of his spare time, Yuuto also used to read, practice drums, and take care of his parent's small, potted garden in their run-down home. Unfortunately, Yuuto lost his mother at an early age after she developed a fatal heart disease that ended up taking her life since his family was too poor to afford proper treatment. He found out later on that his grandmother had also died of the same condition, making Yuuto fearful that he would inherit it as well and die from the same heart condition that his family couldn't afford treatment for.

From then on, he became paranoid of doing anything that could hurt his heart, becoming an absolute stickler about eating healthy, exercising his body but not pushing it too far, and maintaining a very healthy lifestyle to ensure as long a life as he could. However, after his father realized what Yuuto was doing, he confided in him and told him his attempts to help were probably in vain, and that only a high-paying job could get them enough money to help Yuuto in the future, but the only thing that a poorman like them could put any hope in was the mythical T5UCHIG-MO legion. Determined to ensure a future for himself and his father, Yuuto set out to find the elusive legion and ended up seceding after walking into a physical fitness competition, ranking in with the top five winners and being presented with the opportunity. Since that moment and onwards, Yuuto had devoted himself to the legion, working tirelessly to earn money, support himself and his family, and stick to his promise he made at the beginning. His loyal and hard work was rewarded with two promotions, his Spiderling promotion coming a few months after joining, and his Weaver promotion coming shortly after turning nineteen. He is now a respected member and has been able to earn a more decent living than his father, helping out his family as much as he can in between legion assignments and work
