Madame Brigitte $45




The Loa Of The Dead

Name Madame Brigitte
Age Immortal
Gender Female
Species Jaguar
Designer Vlkyrie
Value $55


Based of the voodoo loa, Maman Brigitte, she is a queen of the cemetary. She protects female souls in cemetaries and grows peonies on her body, which then fall off around the cemetary. She is symbolized by a black rooster. She also drinks rum infused with spicy peppers. She also loves fires and weeping willows. She usually uses fire to protect her female souls against men and she plants weeping willows around various cemetaries to provide a peaceful place for souls to rest. *please note: her profile isn't complete and she's not exactly like the voodoo loa, she based off her. She's my own version and so some aspects aren't the same.

"Don't continue watering dead flowers." -unknown

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