
Kageyasu Rejiro


Road Kill Man

Name Kageyasu
Sexuality Gay
Gender Trans male
Age 25
Height 5'6
Race Japanese
Role The Beast Pillar
Demeanor Confident, Idiotic
HTML Pinky

Kageyasu is a very cocky character, very tone - deaf to his own patheticness or how low he truely is. He is shady, much like a fox - of which he is based off of, he casually lies or makes blunts comments of insults directed towards everyone around him. He is incredibly rude and brash to the people who had the unforutunate chance to cross paths with him, he often finds enjoyment in other's wallowing and whines. Kageyasu believes he is far beyond redemption, he believes at his very core that he is who he is and theres no changing that. He struggles with anger issues, he fears of letting it out on the people he cares about and as a result, he distances himself from everyone around him whom he truely cares for. He doesn't wallow in self pity however, instead, he carries on with his life and doesn't get how he thinks of himself get in the way of his work. He is stubborn, to an obscene degree. Kageyasu doesn't take care of himself, nor his appearance. He often forgets the most simplest things, most of the time at the most inconvient times to forget such a thing. He is not to be trusted with simple information. He doesn't sought out a fight, but will not back down when it is presented to him first. Kageyasu is incredibily impusive with his actions, he often gives a very emotional reaction to things and does not hide how he feels.



  • Wild Life
  • Warm Weather
  • Wood - Carving
  • Fur


  • Cold - Weather
  • Rain
  • Harsh Winds
  • Strong smells

Kageyasu's breathing style is Beast Breathing, he trained up in the mountains alongside an elder man, shortly following his brother's death. His weapons are two maroon dual wielded nirichin blades, as seen in his ref sheet in images. They have decorated bells on them, as he isn't the most stealiest slayer in the corps. However, Kageyasu knows this full well. He knows that it is a technical disadvantage - but, he doesn't care. He specializes in brute strength rather than strategy and stealth. He loves to show off.


Kageyasu grew up near the mountains with his family, in his earlier years he would often follow his brother around whilst he was hunting or would be at home, carving his mother a gift as she rest in bed. He was gifted his hat when he was still little, by his brother. The hat was made from a fox he had killed prior whilst hunting, it was the same fox that had attacked Kageyasu at one pointb - causing the scarring on his face. One day, when he had arrived home later than usual, Kagetoki was simply scolding his younger brother. Unbeknownst to them, Kageyasu had unintentionally lead something to their house. Kagetoki was the first to notice something breaking into their house,he wished to check it out on his own but Kageyasu wished to help ward off whoever it was, so, to keep his brother safe, he simply lead them into their basement and jammed the door behind him so Kageyasu couldn't get out. Kageyasu yelled and did all he could to break the door down, to no avail. When he finally broke through, he was greeted to a eerily quiet house. He ran throughout the halls until he came across a barely alive Kagetoki and an injured.. thing, on the ground. Kageyasu tried to run into town for help, but slipped outside and was attacked by the recovering demon, before the demon suddenly died at the hands of a slayer. He gazed up at the figure, a million questions racing throughout his mind, but all he did was beg for help. However, it was too late. Kagetoki had died. He learned about demons and the corps that day, and sought out an elder man to train him so he could rid the world of the horrid creatures of the night. Somewhere down the line, he fell in love with a man outside the corps, but deep down he knew he wouldn't be able to be with him until the world was free of demons. In the dark of the night, he left the very man he was in love with with a note, promising that he would be back and marry him when the time was right.


Kagami Rejiro


Kageyasu's mother grew ill a few months after their father's departure from the family. She tried her best to carry on with her work and provide for her family, but her body proved to be too weak to handle it, and so after collasping in town, she had became bedridden. Kagami was a stubborn, strong woman, often inisiting staying doormat was stupid, that she should be out there doing things, only to be scolded by her doctor and eldest son, Kagetoki and reluctantly get back in bed. She succame to her illness two years before Kagetoki's death.

Deiichi Rejiro


Not much is known about Deiichi, nor does Kageyasu remember much of him. Despite this, Kageyasu despises the man with a burning passion, for both walking out on them and the stress he had put both his mother and elder brother under. Deiichi left when Kageyasu was still little, walking out on the family without a word, after alledgedly being caught with another woman.

Kagetoki Rejiro


Kagetoki was his elder brother, a boy who grew into a man way too soon. He was practically raised by Kagetoki, and he adored his brother more than anything. In his older years, the two began to bicker a lot, often getting into arguements as Kageyasu grew up - his brother seeing his reckless behavior and wishing to put an end to it as soon as possible. Kagetoki died protecting him from a home invasion, that was soon discovered to be a demon by Kageyasu. Leaving Kageyasu truely alone and to fiend for himself..

  • Kageyasu is dyslexic.
  • He always has a toothpick in his mouth.
  • He doesn't brush his hair or bathe often.
  • He retires after losing a hand whilst in battle with Muzan.
  • The scars on his hands are from wood - carving.

Kagetoki Rejiro

Kagetoki was his elder brother, a boy who grew into a man way too soon. He was practically raised by Kagetoki, and he adored his brother more than anything. In his older years, the two began to bicker a lot, often getting into arguements as Kageyasu grew up - his brother seeing his reckless behavior and wishing to put an end to it as soon as possible. Kagetoki died protecting him from a home invasion, that was soon discovered to be a demon by Kageyasu. Leaving Kageyasu truely alone and to fiend for himself. Not a day goes by where he doesn't miss his older brother


Rena Suzuki

Rena is his tsugoku! He used to be really standoffish to the orphaned girl, mostly picking her out of random potential candidants just so he could say he had a tsugoku he was 'training'. Though, his training seemed a lot more like chores then anything to do with actual training. Overtime, he grew attached and began to actually like the little lad that followed him around - she was sweet, but had a dark side to her. She has a lot of Kagetoki's qualities that made him such a good person, with some of Kageyasu's to help balanace it out. Rena helped Kageyasu learn to love again, that it was ok to care for people. Rena is basically his daughter, and he's her cool uncle. They're found family! They goof off a lot, but he is insanely protective of her and will hurt anyone or anything that hurts her.