Lucy Atwood (:: Proteashipping [ ♥ ])



6 years, 3 months ago



StatusChildhood friends
• Close friends
• Super fucking obvious on Lucy's side of things
• Is it mutual? Who knows
• A lot of people do think they're dating though
Height Difference??? cm (4 in)
Nicknames{ Princey | Ilima | Ili }
{ Lucy | Lulu | Princess }
ChildrenAster (シオン Shion)

"Whatever you think you just heard me say, I didn't say it. Nope, didn't happen. You have no witnesses, you have no proof. Nah, nuh-uh. Now, I'm gonna run, y'know... t-trainer stuff! Y-Yeah!"
―Lucy Atwood (then proceeding to run away from her feelings yet again)

Ilucy (Japanese: イリルー IriRū), also known as Proteashipping, is the pairing between Ilima and Lucy Atwood.


Pokemon Sun and Moon

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

In the anime

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

[ game / anime season ]

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.


"If you expect me not to worry, then I apologize, but you are sorely mistaken. Just... please be careful, okay?"
―Ilima (to Lucy because she doesn't know when the fuck to just not)

  • despite normally being incredibly headstrong Lucy is??? really awkward???
  • like she'll jokingly flirt with people but she's never had a real crush before and she doesn't know how to deal with it
  • the thing is that Ilima 100% knows about it??? she's not slick and not very good at hiding it, but he doesn't wanna push her
  • but in all honesty she just loves spending time with him and legitimately thinks he's too good for this world and will say it all the time
  • bless his patience but jesus christ he's really tired of her being hard to get a hold of; she's good at putting herself into dangerous situations and he's low key worrying his ass off until he gets a call like "yo sorry my battery tanked"
  • how do you give flowers to someone if you don't know if you have the courage to it yourself? easy, send your Pokemon to do it. it's not like Smeargle minds much but god he knows these two are hopeless
  • honestly when Lucy smiles Ilima just??? has a miniature heart attack because it's so fucking beautiful to him???
  • Mallow once asked Ilima what his aesthetic was and he accidentally said "it's Lucy" and it took a good bit of persuasion not to have her snitch


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit ut justo ubique probatus. Modo novum ex eam, sonet antiopam periculis sit id, perpetua volutpat consectetuer mea te. At eam quas augue, elitr dolore laudem ut per, aeque simul audire ut nam. Ad facer augue novum vim.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam est sem, gravida at viverra quis, pulvinar vitae risus. Curabitur mattis orci sit amet nunc laoreet, eget commodo quam fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, purus sed facilisis tempus, magna mi mattis libero, non hendrerit tortor mauris id libero. Fusce id ligula arcu. Suspendisse sed sapien eu mi consectetur blandit. Proin tristique non ligula eget sollicitudin. Etiam auctor est nisi, eget euismod ipsum posuere sodales. Morbi vehicula velit in metus elementum, sed facilisis arcu commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit ut justo ubique probatus. Modo novum ex eam, sonet antiopam periculis sit id, perpetua volutpat consectetuer mea te. At eam quas augue, elitr dolore laudem ut per, aeque simul audire ut nam. Ad facer augue novum vim.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam est sem, gravida at viverra quis, pulvinar vitae risus. Curabitur mattis orci sit amet nunc laoreet, eget commodo quam fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, purus sed facilisis tempus, magna mi mattis libero, non hendrerit tortor mauris id libero. Fusce id ligula arcu. Suspendisse sed sapien eu mi consectetur blandit. Proin tristique non ligula eget sollicitudin. Etiam auctor est nisi, eget euismod ipsum posuere sodales. Morbi vehicula velit in metus elementum, sed facilisis arcu commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Real Love Regina Spektor

Thought I'd been in love before,
But in my heart I wanted more
Seems like all I really was doing
Was waiting for you

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Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne
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