


4 years, 3 months ago


Hermes belongs to a game I've created called Breaking Dimensions.

Hermes is a Lucrum belonging to Aika. He is most of the time referred to as a little brat, since he provokes everyone he meets and tries to reach their weak spot. He is very sarcastic and loves to play with people. He also has a big obsession with dolls, which he also turns people that he likes into, excusing it with saying things like "this way, I am keeping their soul with me forever.". It is strongly hinted in both games that he has a psychologial disorder from past events in his pre-life, which most likely explains why he is the way he is. He seems to have a liking on the main character, which could even be described as romantical affection. He even keeps a doll of her, which has become his favorite and he treasures it like no other doll. He can change his size at will, making it possible for him to use humans as if they were dolls for him. He also claims that all of his dolls have been human once before. He likes calling people by nicknames that show specific features of them (example being Adonis acting like a dog for Aika, thus his nickname "Dog", Kukyo finding out the mysteries of the doll house, thus her nickname being "Miss Detective"). His elements are Wind and Thunder. There is a lot more to his character which you will find out in Breaking Dimensions 2. 

Appearance: Hermes has short, curly, pale blonde hair, which slightly already could be described as strawberry blonde. He has brown eyes and usually wears very casual clothing, like a hoodie. He doesn't like "stuck-up" clothing as he would say. His skintone is pale-rosy. He has violet-ish pink angel-feathered wings.
Hermes is around 1, 64.

Personality: sarcastic, provocative, playful, creepy, intelligent

Age: In Breaking Dimensions he is 15, in Breaking Dimensions 2 he is 18.

If you'd like to play Breaking Dimensions, here is the link:

And here you can play the demo to Breaking Dimensions 2: