Illumine Aurora



3 years, 10 months ago


Light Legend and one of the protagonists of the story- well, a protagonist who thinks the other protagonist is the antagonist and treats her accordingly.

The Chosen One, vanquisher of Dark Tyrant Zilla, who was raised her whole life to be a great hero and to believe that she's the only one standing in the way of evil running rampant in the world. As a result, is kind, benevolent, and loyal to those she likes, but narrow-minded and suspicious of those who don't fit into her preconceived notions (meaning she automatically assumes they're evil and out to destroy her- Aurora is also kind of arrogant and paranoid with an inflated sense of self-importance). Thinks that Eclipse Nighten is evil and that she must defeat her and take control of her kingdom.

Her design is inspired by a combination of stereotypical unicorns and the Northern Lights. Is affectionately called Rory by her few friends and mentor.