Milo Develo



4 years, 3 months ago


Name Milo Develo
Gender Male
Age 19
Birthday Dec 12th
Personality Confident, Sassy, Sweetheart
Height 5'8"
SEXUALITY                                                Gay
Occupation Unknown

Milo is one of the most outgoing people you are going to meet. He loves to do anything with his friends/roommates, and is open to do mostly everything. This boy is super confident, he knows that he can win a date, he knows he can win a bet, and he knows that he looks super good! He might even seem a bit cocky... But he is such a joy to be around.

He was born on Dec 12th, to a loving family. He is the youngest out of the Develo family, having and older brother and sister. His parents and sibilings have always loved and supported him for who he is, and how he is. His childhood was good, he was treated like a princess. Milo has had his fair share of dates, and boyfriends... But none of them actually stuck until his late high school years. His relationship with this boy Samson, lasted until the end of high school. Sadly it didn't work out since Samson was not really into Milo, he wasn't really into anyone in that way. So now, Milo still searches for someone to love as much as he did with Samson..

While searching for someone he ended up with new roommates, (Jonathan, Takeda, and Astro), and now lives happily with them. Even though they are a lot to handle, he's gotten pretty close to Astro and Jonathan. Takeda and him don't really get along sadly... Maybe that will change one day. But right now he prefers to be Astro if he had to hang out with any of them.

  • Sweets
  • Boys
  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Dancing
  • Dressing in Drag
  • Make-Up
  • Hanging with Astro
  • Getting Yelled At
  • Being Ignored
  • Feeling Stupid
  • Spicy Foods
  • Being Alone
  • Long Pants