Kimura Rei



3 years, 11 months ago



NAME: Kimura Rei (written 木村励)


AGE: 22

HEIGHT: 5'5" (approx. 165cm)


FAMILY: Kimura Sakue (mother, deceased), Uehara Yagyuu (father, missing)

AFFILIATION: Konohagakure

OCCUPATION: Bounty hunter


Has the kanji "火" (fire) marked on her right wrist, and "風" (wind) marked on her left. These glow when she uses the katana and wakizashi's special ability.

NATURE TYPE(S): Fire Release | Wind Release (affinity) | Yin Release | Yang Release | Scorch Release (Bloodline Limit)

SPECIALTIES: Kenjutsu, taijutsu, ninjutsu, medical ninjutsu

WEAPONS: Homusubi (katana), Isetsuhiko (wakizashi), generic tantou, senbon

Homusubi and Isetsuhiko are "demon brothers," manifested in the form of possessed swords, though unbeknownst to the wielder they are actually two halves of the same entity. Once acquired and wielded, the sword duo will bind themselves to the user until the user dies or they choose a different person. A user in possession of these swords can return the swords to themself by will, should they be out of reach. Both swords have their own "chakra nature," with Homusubi's affinity being fire and Isetsuhiko's being wind. This allows for the user to be able to use both fire and wind release, even if the user themself has not mastered them, but high levels of chakra and chakra control are required for the swords to reach their full use and potential. This does not limit the user from channeling other chakra natures through the blades, but channeling the corresponding nature will amplify its power as opposed to a normal blade. Similar to Samehada, the swords can also absorb their opponents' chakra. They are sentient and often converse with each other and their wielder, putting up the facade of polar opposite brothers in order to decieve the wielder.

At the cost of enormous amounts of chakra, Homusubi and Isetsuhiko can combine to create a giant, humanoid avatar, similar to a Susanoo. This demonic avatar boasts four arms, each holding a blade, which fights and protects the user on their behalf. The user can will it to move as they please, though because it is also it's own sentient form, the user does not have to do so in order for the avatar to fight or protect them. In this form, the user does not have to unsheathe the blades to maintain the avatar's form. Unlike a Susanoo, however, it remains a half-body avatar and cannot achieve a full-body variation.

The sword duo's true identity is an ancient demon named Yuukyou (written as 優凶; 優 meaning "superiority" and 凶 meaning "misfortune"). He was known for terrorizing local populations and gained nourishment from eating the hearts of humans. Wielding his signature bow and nagamaki, he killed relentlessly and was eventually sealed away by Hagoromo himself. A small cult failed to revive Yuukyou in a tangible form, but managed to attach two halves of him into the form of the katana and wakizashi duo. Since then, it was used as a ritualistic tool in an attempt to fully revive the demon. However, the process of possessing the body was a rather strained, painful experience that would lead to death if the wielder's body rejected it. As a result, the sacrifices chosen for Yuukyou died, and eventually the cult dissolved. The swords were then left to be discovered by others, killing every wielder until Uehara Yagyuu would find and lock it away.

If the wielder's body accepts Yuukyou into it, Yuukyou will possess the body as his own. Some changes appear physically--horns, dark scleras, yellow eyes, sharp claws on the hands and feet, facial markings, and sharp fangs--but the most notable differences are newfound strength and skill sourced from Yuukyou. Once a body is possessed, the half-body avatar cannot be summoned, but the signature bow and nagamaki sword can be manifested at his will. The nagamaki can be separated into the katana and wakizashi duo if desired. Although the intensity of the effects may vary depending on the body, he is able to use his superhuman strength, speed, and stamina, and will have to seek nourishment through feeding on human hearts.

It is unknown where Yuukyou originated from, though it is believed that he was manifested from a samurai. Some townsfolk believed that Yuukyou was once a human samurai who was reincarnated as a demon in a goal for vengeance, while others say he is a malicious spirit that possessed the body of one. These were widely believed due to Yuukyou's usage of samurai weapons.





NOTE: Statistics are rough gauges of ability and should not be used as a solid reference.


Rei comes across as rather inconsiderate and vain and often tries to maintain an "intimidating" persona. She has difficulty articulating her true emotions and desires, seeing as if she exposes them too much, it will make her seem weak. As a result, she usually outright refuses to acknowledge her feelings and tries to look at everything objectively. Gaining her trust is a feat in of itself; she may still have trouble fully trusting someone even after getting to know them intimately. She also has trouble socializing with others and will attempt to avoid it if possible, though she does so simply because she fears embarrassing herself as she is aware of her lack of social skills.


Kimura Rei grew up in a remote hamlet located northeast of Konohagakure, south of the Valley of the End. Her mother Kimura Sakue passed during childbirth, leaving only her father Uehara Yagyuu to raise her. He was a skilled swordsman and blacksmith, often traveling to Konohagakure to sell his wares as it was most of the income he made. Starting at age five, Rei began learning swordsmanship under her father and continued to do so until he seemingly vanished into thin air nine years later, after leaving for another trip to Konohagakure. She was then left to her father's close friend Isozaki Yoshio, who took care of her and continued to train her and even teach her medicine.


血風 (Bloody Wind) - Fate/Grand Order OST 
Catch Wind - Cepheid (ft. Un3h)