


3 years, 10 months ago



"You seem lost..."

full name Alya
orientation Bisexual
height 5'1"
gender Cis Woman (she/her)
age 18
birthday Oct. 6 - Libra
species/raceDemon(?) (Chinese/Arab)
occupation Fortune Teller


Alya's skin is a soft shade of cinnamon; her eyes are a yellowish hue, lids dusted with powders of crushed berries and herbs in order to give her youthful face more of a grown visual. A crescent moon tattoo sits between her brows as a gift from the grand Celestial Deity in her father's bloodline. Her hair is a striking shade of pink with two visible horns that jut from her crown; the cut of her hair could be described as abrupt and angular. Two large golden bells are fastened to the back of her head in a lovely knot, with purpled ribbons flowing to her ankles. Fine chains are found in various portion of her garb; the most notable attached to her sheer veil that rests over her nose and mouth. 



🌠 ISTJ • Most around the Circus describe Alya as... cryptic. Not in a foreboding sense, but her words and way of life are a little more outlandish compared to most on the fairgrounds. She mostly sticks to her personal tent, rarely leaving her quarters; this is due to her unease with large groups of people and the less interaction the better. However, don't get her wrong, she enjoys her job greatly as the Circ's Fortune Teller, reading cards is a field she's extremely proficient in. Almost rarely depicting someone's destined path as wrong. She takes to meditation, reading, lighting incense and an array of candles around her tent in favor of spending time with her fellow co-workers. Hardly speaking if at all unless ultimately necessary (ie. job or put on the spot). Though... when she does, her phrasing is often in riddles and hard to comprehend, thus leaving her to re-calculate in order to express her thoughts in a more comprehensive way. Never once expressed outwardly as such, but she also has anxieties in relation to her appearance, as she presents younger than her true age; finding herself a little jealous of those with a more mature facial structure. This might be a reason as to why she wears her veil.

"Hahaha uno reverse card!" 




directory [ hide ]


Alya grew up with her mother, father and two older siblings; her eldest half sibling lived with his mother and she's actually only met him a handful of times throughout her life. Their early existence was fairly quiet, they never attended school systems due to their mother's fear of extreme judgement towards her half blooded children. Any free time available was spent educating her children in basics of the core subjects.

And because Alya was so sheltered, having no real friendships aside from her two siblings, she developed social anxieties regarding communal activities. Spending a bulk of her time locked away in her room playing with her dolls. Her siblings began developing Celestial abilities once they reached their preteen years, this gave Alya an overwhelming sensation of excitement as she too wished to have something unique of her own. It was when she was graced with said ability to foresee the future that she generated her lack of proper communication; as she had an awful premonition of her father's dark secret. Yet the vision received was rather hazy, which left Alya perplexed as to what it could all mean. She spent a large quantity of time trying to reason with her mother; explaining her extreme worries and doubt regarding her father's private activities. Though, no matter how much effort was put into convincing, her family wrote it off as Alya's extreme anxiety manipulating her thoughts.

By the time her destined future began it was too late, as her mother was brutally murdered by their father; he was an uncontrollable monster, it was as if any remnants of compassion for his own flesh and blood was sapped from his body. Thankfully Alya's eldest brother took action and successfully removed themselves from the situation, never to see their parents again. They didn't even receive a proper burial service for their deceased mother. Alya still has flashes of that night haunting her dreams, to the point of driving her a little... mad. Which might explain her unusual speaking manner and cryptic explanations of one's intended fate when reading fortunes.

Her siblings spend their time trying to find their father in order to enact revenge; Alya however, takes residency at Circ de Freak where she'd rather spend her life aiding others as she couldn't seem to do with her mother. 



  • Moonlight
  • Tarot Cards
  • Cello
  • Incense


  • Crowded Spaces
  • Insects
  • Disbelievers
  • etc.

  • Her father is a Celestial Fiend (Demon) and her mother was a human (she passed away during Alya's preteen years).
  • Alya has three older siblings, one was born from her father's previous marriage, the other two from her mother. Half Brother (is full demon), Oldest Brother is 26, Middle Sibling (Non-Binary) is 24.
  • etc.

Urn  🪻

Crying City

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