Christine Huygens



3 years, 11 months ago


Basic information

Appearance description: 

Christine is a slender, young, caucasian girl with a cheery disposition, long light brown hair that she keeps in a ponytail at the crown of her head (except for two long strands of hair on either side of her face that curl towards the end) and mint green eyes.
Her outfit consists of a white vest with light grey stripes over which she wears a dark brown vest. In both pockets of this vest she keeps a pocket watch on a chain (one silver, one gold) whose chains dangle out of the pockets in a neat little bow.
She has 2 different elaborate wrist watches on both wrists (one facing out, one facing in)
She has a short, dark brown skirt that matches her vest except that it has white lining along the bottom which matches it with her knee high white socks and her flat, dark brown Mary Jane shoes.
Completing her outfit is her self made straw boater time hat. It looks like any other straw boater hat except that it has a golden sundial on top of it which has been magnetized so that no matter which way Christine turns it remains pointed in the right direction to properly tell the time. Inside the sundial is a blue ring that shows the current stand of the moon. Furthermore the band of the hat consists of two rotating white rings with black numbers and the abbreviations of the months on them, that display the current date in a small red square at the front. Finally the brim of the hat is a clock face with roman numerals that has two black clock hands rotating over it also showing the time.

Full name:Christine Huygens




Talent:Ultimate Horologist
The Danganronpa Dungeon
Birthday:10 June

Height:1.72 m
Weight:51 kg

Public Backstory:  

Christine is the youngest member of the Huygens family, the world famous Swiss clocksmiths. Their clock building and repairing skills are world renowned and their family business has clients all over the world. At a very young age she already showed an affinity for working with every kind of mechanical time telling device. From large clocks in church towers to timers to watches to sundials to hourglasses, Christine was fascinated by them and wanted to understand them. As a child she spent many hours taking many different types of clocks apart and putting them back together, at first with her father’s help but soon enough all by herself. At age 13 she was already awarded the title of Ultimate Horologist, displaying intricate knowledge of all things time-telling. However, her case became even more noteworthy when at age 16 after the untimely death of her Grandfather in a workplace accident and her father’s incapacity due to his developed Lewy Body Dementia, she took over the family business becoming the first female head of the business and catapulted it to new heights by expanding the business beyond clocks to all analogue time tellers. Currently she is viewed as the authority on the analogue measurement of time.
Public Personality:

Christine is a bubbly character who seems to always be smiling and keen on spreading happiness. Her philosophy is that time is short and therefore should not be wasted on bad things. “I always make the most of the time I have and enjoy everything to the fullest, because time is short and before you know it, it’s gone...”. This constant happiness can cause her to appear a bit like an airhead, but she’s a very clever girl who is actually pretty good at reading rooms. An oppressive atmosphere won’t stop her from trying to be happy, though.  That is not to say she is incapable of showing any emotion but happiness, it’s just that she prefers not to. She will actively try to avoid being seen when she’s feeling sad or angry, because it makes her feel like a hypocrite, (unless it is to show compassion to those around her) and she doesn’t want to lie about her feelings.
She is also very openly obsessed with time. Often going on long rambles on the subject which have led to several existential crises in those around her.

1. Time
2. Experimenting
3. Socializing
1. Computers
2. Lies
3. People wasting time


-Of course her watches and hat, as described in her appearance.
-She has a set of glasses with many different strengths of magnifying loupes she can mount to it.
-A small wooden cuckoo whistle, in her pocket