Vylnarra Biynore



3 years, 10 months ago


Hailing from the lands of Fort Densael, Vylnarra spent her childhood in the home of her family's Wizard patron: Unorim. Despite the poverty around her, she was taught from the most expensive tutors, given the best clothing and food, and no coin was spared in her upraising; All of it paid under the same mysterious Wizard. She was raised similarly amongst the other noble children, all of them picked by the Wizard; at first she thought she was lucky, but that changed very quickly. Her family was always uneasy around about their Patron, and the way she was raised was that to a prized pig being fattened up before a slaughter. After a while, in her late teens she was finally let to go home, where she spent her very few prized years with her real family and was quickly introduced to the family's true trade, within the black market. She has yet to fully tell what exactly happened to her over those years to her parents. 

From the time she was allowed to stay at her home, she was still tasked to have monthly meetings with the unsettling Wizard, and instead of learning further with his tutors she took to learning all of the hidden areas of his home. A little past her 70th birthday, she stumbled upon a hidden armory filled with and weapons and armor, all neglected and left to rot. In the very back she found a greatsword and drawn to it's presence, she took it home with her. That very night she was plagued with dreams from a demon that resided within the sword, it promised her freedom and power and she woke up the next day, plan already set in her mind. With the help of her parents, she managed to convince the Wizard to let her travel the world, and thus she set on her way to free herself from the debt of her past generations and from her mysterious upbringing.