


3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Vanessa Adoni


Spark Z'mai


Female (Trans)




7' (213cm)


Independent, Arrogant (feigned), Explorative




Lightning Conjury, Skilled with Throwing Knives, Sewing, Spelunking, Beastial Transformation (Dragon Form)


Vanessa is a Spark Z'mai. She is a bit haughty and proud of her heritage and job, almost to the point of narcissism, but it is mostly an outward display to keep people away from her soft as down inside. She works directly for the Z'mai council, and insists on working exclusively, preferring her independence, or simply just not letting others get too close for comfort. She's always had a love for exploring, sometimes getting into places she shouldn't, as the Z'mai council warned of underground ruins of ancient Z'mai, which were strictly off limits. She would find herself exploring them anyway, which eventually led into her job.

She ended up learning too much about her ancestors, causing the council to take her in and train her to hunt down and collect ancient lost Z'mai artifacts around the Vanus system. They did not take poor care of her, in fact, they gladly helped with her transition, and her Z'mai imprinting ended up fixating on the plush dolls she would receive as gifts. She started to amass a collection, and continues to keep them in her ship. Fearing they would cause her to look weak, she trained to go on solo-missions. That way she could keep her brightly colored and soft treasures on display while not being concerned about any teammate being hesitant with her "softness".

This also led into an obsession with trying to look tough. She trained her body physically until it was toned, wears simple dark clothes, cuts her hair short, and even goes so far as to insist on frequently not wearing her glasses.... despite being terribly near-sighted without them.

None of this prepared her for her biggest job yet. Infiltration of Viscuou to retrieve a dangerous ancient Z'mai computer. Getting there wasn't the issue, the job itself wasn't anything she hadn't done before. However, the inclement weather that swapped frequently between blizzards and thunderstorms mixed with the hostile inhabitants made this her most difficult job yet. Thankfully she met a rather bright but skittish fox who is willing to help her... as long as she promises an escape from her hellish home.