


7 years, 4 months ago


This is something I made on 1/1/2017, also known as New Years. I'm not sure if i'll change the name later on or not. The name Demfluff is largely from things I thought when making the first Demfluff. I made this by thinking of drawing a wispy tail (I sorta succeeded), then fluffy (this is what led to the 'fluff' part of the name) ears and fluffy wings (my best wings when I made them). I also tried to make cloud-like hands at the end of the wings.The color scheme of the first Demfluff combined with the tail made me think of orbs, so I used my recently downloaded Beads brush to draw some orbs. I also liked the idea of cheek pouches, so on they go! Then while testing color schemes I came upon a blue I liked, but it was hard to fit... I saved the blue for later. I stumbled upon the red, and thought it was perfect. When I was figuring out colors for the ears and wings, I came upon pink, since white was too bright for the color scheme. I then tried out colors for the head. I ended up with a slightly different shade of red. I wanted to use the blue for the eyes, but it didn't fit as the eye color... so it was the pupil color. A very dark (almost black) red for the nose. This color scheme made me think of demons, hence the 'Dem' part of the name. Then I did the background, cause I wanted to use the Fragments brush. I used a darker shade of blue then the pupils, since I wanted to have a blue aura kinda thing, but it made me think of the ocean instead. This caused me to use the Light brush I had to add bubbles (I ignored it being meant for light). I used red for the fragments due to the color of the Demfluff. I felt like something was missing, so I tested out some brushes, to see which looked best. I ended up with the Petal (Sakura) brush. For all the testing, it came out better than I expected (i'm not even the best at backgrounds). Chances are not all backgrounds and stuff will be the same, though some Demfluffs may share things. Feedback is appreciated!