Tsurara onna ( caster )



4 years, 6 days ago


Name: Tsurara onna
AKA: Icicle woman ,Tsurara nyobo, Caster of Icicles
Gender: Female
Class: Caster
Affinity: Earth
Alignment: True Neutral


A yokai that is often confused with the Yuki onna. Tsurara onna is an icicle that became a woman after a man wished he could marry a woman as beautiful as the icicles he was admiring. He then heard a knock at this door and it was a woman seeking shelter. Months go by and the two have fallen in love and get married. In the spring the women leaves to go shopping but never returns.

Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 168 cm/57.5
Source: Mythology / Folklore
Region: Japan
Alignment: True Neutral
Gender:  Female

Bond 2:
Bond 3:
Bond 4:
Bond 5:
Extra clear
Bond 10 ce:

Normally a kind and sweet woman. She is very easy to get along with in most cases as well. Though she holds the ideas of promises very close to her heart it is best to not break any promises you may make with her.

Strength: D
Endurance: E
Agility: C
Mana: A
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: B

Noble phantasm: To Break the Promise of Love ( arts )
Grants self ice/snow field 2 turns ( activates first)
Deal heavy damage to one enemy Deal extra damage to male enemies.

Passive skills:

Magic Resistance B: Increases own debuff resistance by 17.5%.
Made of Ice:  Increase own damage on ice/snow fields
Decrease own debuff resistance against burn status effect by 10%
Increase down damage taken from burn status byt 5% [Demerit]

Active skills:

Shapeshift (Icicle) B: Increases own defense for 3 turns.
Grants self Debuff Immunity for 1 turn
Ice Maiden: chance to inflict charm on all male enemies 1 turns
Decrease crit rate of all enemies 3 turns
When Winter Ends: increase attack on all allies further increase attack of male allies

Female, Japan, Yokai,Earth or Sky, Humanoid,Weak to Enuma Elish

other facts
Sexy ice
