

7 years, 5 months ago


Columbia Means of Purchase: bought from @Lutecin
Name: Columbia
Nicknames: Cole
Age: 3 years old, (21 in human years)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Dog, Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Personality: Columbia, being named after the floating city of Columbia, is an eager corgi that simply wants to get the most out of life, whether it be through mischievous activities or thrilling adventures, almost nothing can stop Columbia! Well, other than a tasty dog biscuit that is. Columbia walks with a vivacious and bold stride, he is a defiant self-assured pup with a head held high and ready for the next experience life has to offer. Despite his cheery nature, Columbia can be quite feisty with unfamiliar faces and is not afraid to nip at them. It is very obvious to see how this little corgi feels about you in both good or bad ways. Columbia is as smart as a fox and is excellent at thinking outside the box, which helps him get out of tricky situations at times. Although he loves to be adventurous, especially when he gets bored, the pup's crave can lead him into danger easily. Unfortunately, Columbia is not afraid to poke his nose into dangerous situations. Columbia is also very talkative in terms of barking and always wants to tell you how his day has been, luckily for the corgi, no one has grown annoyed over his chattiness yet!
Extra: No one actually knows who Columbia's owner is, however the corgi seems very healthy and does not look like a stray, some suspect that he doesn't have an owner but is taken care of by people in Columbia. He often hangs around Battleship Bay. Columbia seems smarter than he lets on and is shown to know how the machines all over the city work. His outfit was made by one of the children in Columbia. The corgi also has a prosthetic let leg made out of gold and two scars on his right shoulder blade, it's not known as to why Columbia has these, although it's not surprising if he got these from one of his adventures.
Voice Claim: None, sounds like a typical corgi (only in cannon world of Bioshock Infinite)
Artist Notes: His accessories are optional but preferred. The prosthetic leg and scar are not optional. Columbia's hair is shaped as a puffy pompadour, please draw it the way it looks on his ref!