
3 years, 10 months ago


Name: DG
Nickname:The failed one
Specie: Star heart
Pronounce: he/them

Height: ???(no more than 15 ft tall while on all 4s)

What is known:

-DG is a failed star heart because of a human race wanted to make their perfect god after idolizing the star heart for centuries only to be ridiculed and threatened by them because of their wrong doings. It only failed becuase a star heart cannot be ever made, only the multiverse spawns one.
-His failed creation only made his existence be in a constant pain and anguish, those of which over time toned down from being helped.
-They are aggressive and loudly. Tempered and chaotic, but only acts different with his special mate.
-He enjoys music as well rainforests

Cryptic: cryptic is his love, his mate. He adores them and cherishes em deeply.

;3 hey there big boy, come here often? [Atlas]