
4 years, 8 days ago



"What? Oh, um, thank you..."






[Unknown, Fennec Fox x Canary]


Young Adult



PERSONALITY His personality is best described as "really nice, but also extremely capable". Although he's the newest member of the team, he's also the captain. Out of combat, he's humble and absent-minded, and is generally pretty approachable. Somehow, that does a complete 180 once he decides to focus. In battle, he bacomes a bit of a junkie, fighting for the thrill. Despite this, he'll always be aware of the general position of his allies and pull out if it gets rough. In the words of his allies, "He's really cool!". But for himself, he feels a bit cowardly...

"Oh, um. You don't have to praise me...! But... thank you though."



All knowledge of this species is locked. Riel, doesn't know this. What he does know, is that he's likely not any of the current species that exist in [world]. There's an answer if you look deep enough...

His gun works like this: has a base that can grow in size (engineered by other ppl, but he uses identification magic so only he can use the gun). The add ons for the gun (that make other guns (like the pistol and the rifle) are created by him: he makes the blueprint in his mind and materializes it with his unique magic and really good 3d visualization skills (like you see the glowy lines appear starting from the attachment point on the base and then the attachment materializes as the magic around it condenses). The bullets are made as he fires (unlimited bullets as long as Riel still has energy and/or can gather magic from the environment. He can make them stronger by infusing blood (there’s a small blade (like an exacto) along the side of the gun that can be popped out. He can swipe his finger across and the blood flows out to fill up the lines on the gun. There’s a cool glowy effect). ...DECODING... ... ... Access Granted.


As a kid, he was victim to an experimentation facility that tried to create artificial gods using natural energy created from the remnants of fallen stars. He grew up wary and shy, but was kind and friends to the single other kid, Lian, who also shared his same isolation ward due to their similar power levels. After the facility was burned to the ground in a military attack, he was rescued by the military that sieged the facility, finding out about the facility's malicioius goals. Meeting Red and the rest of the team helped him establish a sense of belonging, and his skill in battle gained the respect of the regiment quickly.

7435 has a CREATION ability. The resonance with DUST in the environment is abnormally high. [ Details locked... please enter administrator password.]

When gathering [ \\\\ ], it's like sending a call into a void filled with powerful entites. They all gather around cheerfully, but are almost too unaware of their own strength, so its easy to pull just a bit harder, trip over the strings, and the whole dam comes crashing down in a waterfall of pure energy...

0001... their power is so much kinder...

[ Medicine: Log ###] [ Insert story log in order to load data... ] Takes various amounts of questionable medicine. Red and the others don't ask, since it's prescribed by the regiment's physician.


Can't cook. He really can't cook. It's terrible. Everything becomes a rock hard, cardboard-tasting energy bar.

SCANNER ...hovering in the area for hidden messages...


CREATION : DUST Resonance The power to create from nothing?

The constraints balance the ability. Even if the gods granted this ability to another person, it'd be difficult to use it to the level that Riel is able to harness it.

To understand the molecules and arrange them to create metals in the shapes, the assemble the individual components to make a large whole. Riel sticks to specific types of sniper rifles since that's what he's studied for his whole life, but in another universe, it'd be totally possible to specialize in making other things.

Flightless Wings not quite for decor only

Riel's wings aren't made for flight, so they usually flow, entangled behind him like a tail. They help Riel access the power/aura flowing in the environment, and the thin lines on the feathers will glow blue when it's in effect.

[ Enhanced Physicla Abilities ] [ Just your basic military training toolkit. ]

A bit tougher than the average human,

REVI-... ...




childhood best friend

"Grew up in the same neighborhood, i mean, experimentation facility, and became friends because we're the strongest so we take the same tests!" They're on opposite sides of the conflict now, but still remain friends despite the world turning to chaos around them.

Their relationship can be best described as "Lian teases Riel all the time and likes to fight for fun until Riel gets annoyed for real and bonks him too hard". Companions in life and death (but that's like everyone in this story).


Vice-Captian, Best Friend

RELATION Red is the vice captian, and also a "run into the battle with brute force" type. Much like Riel. Except Red has more damage and less dexterity.



Teammate, Team 7

RELATION Taii is the healer and recon of the team.


[V] Viri

Team 7

RELATION Teammates

V is the tech specialist/trapper.


kAtlas - [ ? ]

RELATION Lian's trusted right-hand man. Riel doesn't like how sus they appear, but considering that they haven't gutted Team 7 yet and clearly have the ability, they seem safe.



Head Representative of Church of the [King]

RELATION Riel and the rest of Team 7 don't know Nightingale well. But since they've saved Lian and Riel I guess?



I'm glad that there's friends around me,


Subject 7435




Artificial RevelriE (Fennec Fox x Canary)





PERSONALITY Cowardly and timid, easily overlooked. Back then, a shyer child than the other one who lived in the facility. But still calmy bright like the moon on a clear night, a constrast to the sun that guided him into the daylight.

"If I accidentally lock onto my friends, I'll trust that you can stop me."


[ EXCERPT : Early Section... ]

Information gathering in progress... ... on memory loss.

They once met again, on a mission this time. By chance, stumbled across the other, like celestial bodies passing each other, micro-seconds ticking like clockwork in a universe of gears. The one red like fire, with a temper like a phoenix, tried to stop the two. But meetings that are destined to happen can't be stopped. When everyone's life is dictated on a script, is it futile to try and stop the inevitable clash of giants?


Revolution. Then clash. Losing power, and hope. Being locked up inside a golden cage, entrances barricaded with 27inch thick iron doors. Is it this creature they fear, one of their own?

{ Luckily, you didn't have to suffer alone. Because your friends were there. Especially the one that looked up to you all this time, dredging themselves through oceans and fires, to grasp on a thin line of hope that relies on their own sacrifice. Even though the two of you are now linked together, isn't a chained life with a companion better than an eternity alone with freedom? }

{ Congratulations, Riel. }

SHORT ... there's not much to say.


[ Affinity: Creation ] Riel's power of "creation" is unique because he's loved by the world itself. In such a terrifying circumstance, to pull a little too hard is to lose your mind and kill all life around you and wake up to a horrifying scene of bloodshed. But most of the time it's fine...

[ WINGS : CHANNELS ] They're fake. Or used to be, at one time. Now it's hard to tell when the imitation has overtaken the original.

[ Ability: Physical ] "If this was DND, Ri would roll nat 20s every time. It's actually quite unfair you see, to be blessed with such high attack rolls. High dexterity and turning speed into strength. Truely, the most OP main character." - L

[ Locked ] "Ri also has a locked skill. Not in the sense that it's locked, but more that if he used it, the lock that I put in place to keep the fragment of /REDACTED/ stable... That would fall apart and everyone around him would be in danger. See, unlike myself, Ri doesn't have the natural affinity to chat with /REDACTED/ yet. With his flimsy personality, I don't think he'll last." - L



Destiny deems that you meet.

"Back when we meet during the facility. Shining bright like the sun, we were the only two in the upper labratory, and so we became close friends. Now though, it's like they're a different person."

The antagonist of the script they reside in. Destined to meet, destined to fight. It's a terrible, terrible script that binds them together. Even when related by blood, to have to kill the other to there a world where we can exist together again like we used to before?


Closest Friend, Partner

RELATION ... Tranquilizer.
"A close friend and a partner in battle. My right hand man and the one who can turn the lights back on when everything grows fuzzy and the world becomes dim. Because you're strong, even if you have to use force, I trust that you can stop me."

We met again, and fought at first. Like how the director meant it to be, we slowly moved closer like puppets on a string. Even still, without your steady hand by my side, it would be impossible to keep going in this kind of bleak night sky devoid of stars.


Teammate, Friend

RELATION The healer of the team.
"Sometimes I notice that you wake up at night to go stretch your wings. I take no mind of it, opting to keep the secret since I too, have secrets of my own."

Taiyo, meant to be a healer. Riel, meant to be a fighter. Naturally, they chat often, alone under a crimson sky in a field after the dust has settled. When everyone is off recovering, Yellow comes by and tends to his wounds with a somewhat guilty expression. Riel is always grateful, and wishes that Tai would one day be able to talk about their own issues.

Viridescent "V"

Teammate, Friend

"Initially his impassive face made me nervous, but after a while you realize that V is very kind. He's the one who looks after us on missions to make sure we're eating and sleeping enough. Although he doesn't talk, you can tell what he wants from his body language."

V and Riel don't talk together much. Both being naturally awkward at socialization, when left alone together there's usually nothing but silence. It's not awkward, as both of them are used to it, and they often swap to sign language when neither of them want to speak.



"Nothing but caution towards them. Even if they're Lian's ...friend... something about them makes it difficult. Whenever I talk to them, a million alarms are raised in my head. I'm not sure how Lian manages to be around this guy."

Riel feels nervous around Mockingbird, and rightfully so. To everyone but Lian, Mockingbird still has the aura of intimidation, the horrible feeling that something will go wrong, thanks to their sadistic hobby of letting their true nature leak out in such small amounts that it can't be identified, but can be detected.



RELATION "Weird vibes."

Not much interaction has happened between the two. Aside from visiting the Church and meeting Night, Riel only feels that their cold exterior seems a bit odd, having not seen anything that lies beneath the surface.