“Callie”..... and Katty



3 years, 11 months ago


”Callie” and Katty - Ultimate Horror Illusionist

Public Backstory Who doesn't know about the Dark Lady of the Underworld? Destined to rule over the planet and conquer it as her own. Who has taken over the fiery depths of hell where she worked hard enough to have as much power as she should have gotten. She goes by the name.. “Callie”. With her trustworthy and powerful companion who is Lucifer’s reincarnation as a terrifying looking feline named “Katty”. Used to be known as a goddess from Heaven known as “Hecate”. She always wished to be known as important in a way.. She wanted to gain dominance. Have all the power she could ever wanted. As much as her old place felt nice to live in, she put her desires first than anything. So, a faithful opportunity happened, where she entered through the gates of hell. Taking advantage of her own powers. She tried to make a deal with the one who is known to be the ruler of the underground, known as “Lucifer”. Sadly enough, he wasn't satisfied with the deal, and decided to banish her from his world.. But she didn't get banished without a fight.

Battling millions of demon spawns with only by herself, even battling Lucifer himself. It was a tough fight. Moreso an impossible one. But she didn't give up. She kept her pride at the sky during this moment with the ocean storming through rather violently. As the goddess of magic, she managed to turn the demons against their overlord, which seemed like a success. Finally defeating Lucifer once and for all and making him bow down to her feet and forcing him to become her companion. He’d be a great asset to her plans anyways. She claimed victory and claimed ownership of the underground.

Claiming her title as the Dark Lady of the Underworld. She made millions of demons fall to their knees and made them follow her commands. She made millions of mortals fear her for her incredible power of magic, darkness and trickery. She is the night in the moon. A lady of necromancy. A goddess of witchcraft. She is known for being an unstoppable force that no mortal can defeat her.

However, the Dark Lady decided to give herself some rest. She stayed on her throne as she rests for hundreds of years, until she was reincarnated into a planet called Earth. With the strength of Ares and Nick bringing her into such an.. intriguing world, alongside the reincarnations of Philotes and Erebus. During her journey in this new world, she met the spirit of trickery, Dolos, who became acquainted with her. Her powers were still kept within her despite this new form of hers, and because of this, it was up to her to continue on her legacy and corrupt the entire world in her palm so that she could claim it all on her own. As the conqueror of hell, she is determined to keep this planet all to herself and let it all change into what she desires so that she’ll be completely known as being the greatest out of all. Be known as the world’s goddess that they should all bow down to. The powerful and cunning lady of darkness. With her feline partner with her, the two are destined to take over the world with their powers combined. Hecate, and Lucifer. Also known as Callie, and Katty. Two mighty figures who are impossible to stop from their selfish intentions.

Gender: Female
Sexuality: ???
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Nationality: ???
Height: 6’1” ft. |  185 cm.
Weight: 124 lbs. | 56 kgs.
Chest Size: 93 cm. | 38 in.

Personality: Callie is a rather.. eccentric individual. She is mostly seen as a quiet girl who’s quite apathetic with her feelings. She doesn't show any emotions and is usually seen with a deadpan expression. Even with certain situations, she’ll always keep an unmoved face. With her silent nature, it's difficult to communicate with her when she's like.. that. However, she does have a companion who helps her with conversing with others. People could easily judge the illusionist by her tattered appearance and creepiness. Though it doesn't really bother her even the slightest. 

Judging by how Katty speaks, it seems like he sees both him and Callie as some sort of powerful god and goddess that should be feared and worshipped by all. Yep. Apparently these two have some sort of superiority complex where they think they're literally invincible. Basically, a pseudo syndrome known as chuunibyou. The two are basically inscrutable together. Both are quite obnoxious and delusional, yet are a mystery. Katty usually rambles about being great and powerful and how Callie is “The Lady of Darkness in the Underground” while he’s “The Reincarnation of Lucifer”. He believes they were brought into Earth as these beings just to take over the whole planet because they were destined to.