Minori Hirabayashi



3 years, 11 months ago


Minori Hirabayashi - Ultimate Informative Hacktivist

Public Bio: Not much information is known about her for some odd reason, but Minori Hirabayashi is a wealthy heiress who currently works at Myōtako Administrations, and is currently one of the youngest ever informats to be ever worked in the government in Japan. She has tracked down multiple dangerous entities, spoke out for needed news, freedom and speeches anonymously in the internet, and collected numerous important data and information. Being the only child of Mr. Kyosekei Hirabayashi and Ms. Akira Hirabayashi, she was destined to help the developing government her father worked so much on making it extremely powerful. Minori was a gifted child, a light to the company. She’s an important figure who will soon take over her father’s administration when she grows older. Her personal life remains unknown for some reason, but the others say her life should remain.. confidential.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demiromantic

Age: 18

Birthday: December 5th

Nationality: Japanese

Height: 6” ft. | 182 cm.

Weight: 157 lbs. | 71 kg.

Chest Size: 90 cm. | 35 in.

Personality: Upon meeting the hacktivist, Minori is shown to be rather formal and regal to those she meets. In her position of authority, her intellect allows her to give judgement to various situations, keeping a level-headed mindset in every situation she’s in. Although there are times where her seriousness gets the better of her, making her appear a bit cold to those she speaks. The girl desires to keep a reserved attitude, but once a compliment is given to her, all walls break loose and she‘s stuck with a red face due to the fact she’s not used to being showered with that kind of admiration.