Sorbet's Comments

just wanted to note that i'd moved accounts and would still like to be asked for resale if you ever rehome her ^-^<3

For sure!

he’s so cute! I love these colours a lot. How do you get so many nice characters homie U__U

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oooohhhh homie!!!! You Are ballin!!!! I have not bought an oc in like a year I am still only draw the same 3 I have for years LOL but buying characters is so exciting 

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hearing stuff like that is so cool!! I didn’t really know the scope of those two until people started coming to me on instagram after the google plus shutdown and saying they recognized them. They do have I kid! Her name was vixen but I might change it. And that’s okay, characters and art is a very diverse hobby. I used to shit on people who just traded designs around but honestly, as long as you’re enjoying what you’re doing, you’re doing it right. As Long as you’re not like, harming yourself financially I don’t see a problem. It’s a hobby that can be expensive like any other.