


4 years, 6 days ago


Name: Glenn the Long Eared Hedgehog

Nickname/Alias: Vampire/Vamp, Merc, Long Ears

Species: Long eared Hedgehog

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Age: 25+ years

Birthplace: Grand Metropolis, Northamer

Current Residence:Solo-verse/Misc: Same location || Haunted House-verse[Scroll down for info]: Osakiru, Yurashia (Taken in by former Yakuza syndicate)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality traits: Quiet; Reliable; Patient; Cunning; Flustered when being someone’s being flirty w/ him; Respectful to those he trust; Suspicious; Adaptive; Cunning; Doubtful; Reserved(Sensitive about his scars); Mysterious; Quick

Hobbies: Mobile gatcha games; Taking long walks around the city; Playing cards; gambling(Dice rolling and pachinkos/slot machines are his addiction); Reading- (when taking days off, he likes to read some fics of is favorite TV dramas and thriller.); He enjoys binge watching some horror and suspense/thriller movies as well. 

Likes: His powers; Bruno(HH-verse); His job; Money; the sound of busy streets, a well deserved vacation away from home;

Dislikes: People getting in the way of his business; Terrible leaders**; Anything out of the ordinary(out of nowhere)

Basic: With blood manipulation, he can create, shape and manipulate his own, others and surroundings of blood.

Additional: He can use his own blood to create his own weapons such as a knife, sword, of bullets(gun).

He can also control one’s blood to use their body like a puppet, control their blood flow, releasing said fluid out from their bodies by popping out a blood vessel.

His gloves and scarf are also full of blood. His gloves are made to create and shoot blood bullets, and create grounded projectiles to induce death upon the other. His scarf is used as a whip or lasso to trap the enemy(can also induce his own blood inside the target) but is also a resourceful tool as a grappling hook.

He can stop the bleeding by healing someone and himself, closing any open minor wounds.

Advanced: With the concentration and training, Glenn is able to master techniques with his own blood to prevent him from going out of control. Blood manipulation itself can be extremely dangerous if not careful as it can lead to unconsciousness.... or death.

He can also control all blood flow, not just from the bloodstream by slicing down his foes instantly without any (made) weapon.

In Future/Freedom Fighter timeline (to be explained soon): he will be able to master the healing technique to close opened wounds and injuries that are much bigger than minor wounds.

He’ll also unlock an ability to create stronger shields  out of blood to block attacks.


Glenn was born without a family to take care of him. Nothing but two silhouettes leaving him on the doorstep to a homeless shelter in a small urban neighborhood of Grand Metropolis.

Throughout his childhood he was raised by those who volunteered to take care and educate the young boy. They taught Glenn how to read and write and learned how to count, growing up. He even had to help the shelter’s staff with passing out cafeteria food and necessities to the other homeless, earning a few pennies in the process.

Glenn never bothered to play with the other kids during playtime. He usually sat by himself either reading a book or drawing to kill time. One of the youngsters approached him and introduced the young hedgehog to the street life. He was told to ditch the unreliable confinement and live free to get what he wants. Glenn remembered the pennies he earned from helping out the staff…. wasn’t worth it, so he took the offer from the youngster and left with them.

Throughout his teens, he and his partner have been enjoying the street life, threatening, pickpocketing pedestrians and traveling across the crowded, noisy city of Grand Metropolis. The first time they killed anyone for denying to give up any of their belongings, was when Glenn’s powers started to kick in for the first time, twisting and turning that poor man’s body, as blood spiked out of his body, dropping him hard on the floor. Horrified by this newfound power, Glenn’s partner took a step back, and bailed on him.

Glenn asked himself, What was that about? Was he sick? Was it magic? Maybe he was born with this weird power this whole time, without realizing. He looked at the palm of his hands and back at the man he eviscerated. All bloody. Everywhere. Maybe he could use it on people to get some cash. This could make him rich, live better by leaving this place.

The pale hedgehog had been on killing sprees and collecting money from his victims who crossed him. That is until he was in his late teens, he was approached by a mysterious old man in a suit who saw what he did with those blood powers. To the old man, that was an interesting power for a killer, that he could give this kid a perfect job that suits him. To put him out there to other clients and get paid more than what he earned on the streets. Glenn, feeling ecstatic about this new job, he accepted this new offer from the old man.

Guided by the old man, Glenn registered himself to the Dark Webs where his incoming clients can reach out to him at any given time. The old man offers Glenn new clothes tailored for him, a hand gun and a phone. He even fed Glenn, and made sure the boy had good hygiene. Glenn was fully trained by that mysterious old man, and was taught how to properly handle a gun and control his powers by not losing too much of his blood. The hedgehog had given himself scars throughout his body to gain full control of his power. His originally white gloves and scarf became red and turned into his own makeshift weapon.

At 21 years old, Glenn was sent on his first mission and passed. He was then rewarded with an apartment of his own. The old man stated that Glenn no longer needs him as the former was already dying of old age. Glenn thanked him and moved on to what would be next for the Bloody Hitman.

Four years going forward, as he continued working for multiple clients all across Grand Metropolis and other places all over the United Federation, like Station Square and Empire City. He had met Madison, a crazy freeshooter who originally hunted down Glenn requested by an “anonymous client” who then ended up working with him and would not leave his side until he saw him dead. They both encountered Bliss later on, a femme fatale controlling the Red Light District with an all female empire. Then there’s Hellbound, a biker gang led by Zig Zag who’s also Madison’s former boss.

They heard about the billionaire’s desire to give anyone his whole fortune and relied on anyone willing to kill him off for it so they can use the fortune to achieve their own goals. Glenn's goal was to get rich and live luxuriously outside of the city and join Madison and the others in the race for gold… to get their story rewritten if failed to do so...

Other verses

Haunted House (created by Nuttyrabbit and Pidgeonspen): Glenn was sent on a mission to travel to Osakiru to assassinate the emperor, Frost(setting and character owned by Nuttyrabbit; read Frost’s bio here!)  by a dying Yakuza syndicate, Senketsu. Glenn encountered Mach the Mantis Shrimp(owned by Nuttyrabbit; read Mach’s bio here!), Mai the Chimera(owned by roxyeatsrocks), Ileana the Frilled Lizard(owned by pidgeonspen; read Ileana’s bio here!) Famine(owned by Panther_spots; read Famine and Black Arms aliens bios here!) and Sonic(RPed by frecklefacefromouterspace) as he teamed up with the group to put a stop to Frost’s crimes… and project Lazerus 

Empire City Chat RP (Lady Luck verse) (also created by Nuttyrabbit and Pidgeonspen): Getting a call from a crime lord all the way from Rodina, Glenn traveled to Empire City to become Ivan’s bodyguard and assassin, replacing Honda, another assassin from Yurashia who got fired and tagged along with Carey(owned by pidgeonspen; read Carey’s bio here!) and Gambit(owned by Nuttyrabbit; read Gambit’s bio here!).