Kumadori 隈取's Comments

Ohayogozaimasu Demon!

Firstly, may I just say how lovely Kumadori is!

Secondly, I would love to offer art for this beautiful digibab! I could offer 3 busts (in black and white as I'm still trying to get used to my new drawing program) and I could see if I could get points for them too (that's a strong maybe as I'm not sure if I can get them)

Thirdly, a little story/ideas I would use Kumadori for;

Kumadori would be a shy rookie digimon, but it doesn't mean she can't fight. She enjoys eating meat with her friends and her trainer (although she sees her trainer more like a friend!), when it comes to her friends, she would risk it all even if it means her getting seriously hurt. 

Anyway! Arigato! Thank you for the time!

Gomen! I just realized they are in the hold

All good Sailorr! I’ll let you know if they come off hold.^^

Thank you! They are such a dreamie <3