Finnegan's Literatures

3 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
5 52972 9

It‘s inevitable. Finnegan has to nab a housemate.

That’s why he printed out flyers at a downtown store with an employee staring at him with a fake smile (the entire fucking time, seriously you think they’d at least cut the bullshit when he isn’t actively conversing) and hung them up around town—on electrical poles, on the sides of buildings, inside buildings—he’s on his last leg. Got nothing to lose. He only dealt with that dumbass employee’s creepy “serve you hand and foot” bullshit for a reason. One, very vital reason. Without someone else to help pay rent, he’ll be booted out of his home of five years by September. A month away.

Beats asking one of his coworkers. Which he would really rather not do.


Finnegan and Gibson, the only candidate to be his housemate, clash.