Star Sparks



4 years, 3 months ago


☆ Name: Star Sparks

☆ Gender: cis female (she/her)

☆ Sexuality: lesbian

☆ Height: average

☆ Relationships: Violet pages (girlfriend), Glow Styxx (best friend)

☆ Notable details: Pink on ears and legs and teal and purple on fluff is part of her design, and though it isn't visible in all her art, she does wear red lipstick as well

☆ Misc: Star Sparks is almost as wild a party pony as you can get! She loves loud raves, dancing, strobe lights, illegal (and legal) fireworks, colorful drinks, and upbeat music! Ponies are often confused how she ended up with the mellow, soft librarian pony Violet Pages, but when Star Sparks saw her at the library when running errands for one of her friend, she developed a crush immediately. Violet's mellower nature evens out her wildness well, and they care about each other very much. Star Sparks herself is a bit of a burden on her best friend Glow Styxx, but what are best friends for, right? Glow Styxx basically functions as Star's impulse control and likely regularly helps her avoid trips to the hospital.