Blair Ashwood



3 years, 11 months ago


Name: Blair Ashwood

Nickname(s): Bear (by her mother)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Pixie

Quarter of Origin: Rezzia

Living Arrangements: Small apartment in a tree trunk with her mother and a family friend when she’s not travelling.

Height: 1ft

Weight: 2lbs

Likes: Fresh bread,

Dislikes: Being called a child, being teased

Abilities/Powers: Levitation, mood-reading

Weapons: A dagger with runes carved into it. If one is stabbed while the runes are glowing green, their wounds are healed. If there is no glow, it acts like a normal dagger. The colour turns on and off hour-by-hour.

She stole it from a prince.


She was raised in a woodland village. She never knew her father, as he died while protecting a young girl from wolves.

She was a rowdy child growing up, with no friends. She brushed it off, saying that she didn’t need any. Because of this, she has a hard time forging relationships to this day.

When she was 13, her mother developed an illness, which made Blair the one supporting the family. She’s done some bad things to get money, none of which she would ever tell her mother about.

Her mother’s being taken care of by a family friend, letting her move out. She’s trying to find a cure for her mother and travels the world finding one.

In between her adventures, she resides in her mother’s house in the spare room.

Optional Stuff! 

Goals/Desires: To find a medicine for her mother.

Fears: Failing, wolves

Hobbies: Baking

Habits: Chewing her hair, flapping her hands about, chewing her lips