


7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Ancient, his life is eternal



Other names

Prince of the Deeps, Leviathan, King Atlantis

Alternate form

A gigantic ocean beast; Leviathan


History: Long ago, Atlantisdiscovered a small village. The village was poor and famished. Taking pity upon it's people he decided to provide his guidance. He brought them abundance and wealth, in return, they treated him as king, King Atlantis. His promise; as long as they treated him well and learnt from his ways, he would always protect them.

But after some time some villagers began to take what Atlantis provided for granted, their greed overcoming their thoughts. The village was divided. Those who followed in the Leviathans ways, and those who sought his power. Hence there became a plot to kill the God, to cut off his serpentine tail and head and take his energy. The people would rule themselves, no lowly king would tell them otherwise.

Those faithful to Atlantis sent him warning, and with that he announced his own; "Those who betray the king will be banished to the very deeps from whence I was born. Those who follow my ways will be forgiven"
But it was on that very night that the villagers of wavering faith set forth to His quaters, swords raised and spirits high on the thought of power. Atlantis was still, breathing slowly in his slumber. The people crept closer, silently and slowly. Some with the expression of fear, others with greed. With a nod from the head of the group, the first swords fell and met scaled flesh. Atlantist awoke in a Godly rage, blood pouring from his wounds. Snarling and writhing he growled that there would be a reckoning for what they had done. Four days of punishment for the faithless. As the fear seeped into their bones, the villagers remained motionless, for they had invoked the wrath of Leviathan. The God growled for them to leave his quaters and accept their fates that they had sealed willingly. 

The first day brought famine. Atlantis stopped the flow of fish to their seas and rivers, and the food they had turned to rot.
The second day brought thirst. The water that they tried to drink turned to salt and the waves became rugged.
The third day brought a terrible storm, bringing with it tidal waves. The villagers who still believed in Atlantis came to his abode to ask mercy of him, but the God was nowhere to be seen.
The fourth and final day brought tremors through the ground. Earthquakes and larger waves pummled the village island. It was then they realised that they had begun to sink. Atlantas was dragging them to the depths, just as he warned. The faithless would drown for their actions.
The innocent were granted powers of their own, the ability to breathe and move under water freely. Hence new myths arrose of mermaids and mermen. Rumours of the dissapearence of the island circulated the neighbouring islands quickly, though over time the name of the village was lost, and only it's king remained; Atlantis.