


4 years, 2 days ago
12 O


Basic Info
Name Léona
Nickname Leo
Age 22
Birthday October 2nd
Height 5'10"
Gender Male
Species Cat Chaimi
Rarity Common + 1 Uncommon + 1 Rare
Blend Orange black tea + Apple green tea
Blend Name Autumn's Bounty
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Photographer
Status Alive | Taken
Worth N/A
  • Chocolate oranges and caramel apples
  • Warm tea on cool days
  • Shounen anime
  • Candle making
  • Photography
  • Summer
  • His shyness
  • Parties
  • Horses
  • It's extremely easy to fluster or embarrass him. He'll get a deer in the headlights look before blushing and sputtering to speak.
  • Aside from caramel apples and chocolate oranges Leona also enjoys pumpkin spice flavored things.
  • Halloween is one of his favorite holidays mostly because he likes the colors around this time. In general he just loves fall.
  • He has a special closet in his house full of his different candle creations. Some candles he makes to use, but others for art related purposes.
Shy . Insecure . Tempermental . Kind-hearted

Although somewhat unusual for a cat Chaimi Léona is extremely shy and very self-conscious about this fact. Of course to most others he doesn't come off as shy but rather quiet and a little bit standoffish. He finds his social awkwardness irritating and, because of that, sometimes expresses it through anger causing a sort of self-fullfilling prophecy effect. He's terrible at making friends, though he tries, and has a lot less self-esteem than people would expect. He's resigned himself to the cold and intimidating aura he gives off and has a 'bad boy' aesthetic going as it only seems fitting.

Most of Léona insecurities, however, come from the fact he's a Chaimi. Because of his shyness and temper he doesn't believe he's very helpful in calming people down and, in fact, believes he screws things up more often than he helps. He wants nothing more than to be good at what he's supposed to do, as he genuinely enjoys helping people, but asking for help himself is something he always struggles with. He never seeks advice or tells anyone if he thinks he's messed up, so he normally bottles it up and lets the bad mood stir... Still he doesn't give up and is a very hard worker. He may not believe it, but he's much better at his job than he thinks.


Léona was born when a young human, having heard of the calming effects of tea, poured his particular brew. The circumstances were pretty unremarkable, she simply wanted to calm her nerves before a presentation she had to give during school, but it became a habit after that. Tea before any nerve wracking event to try and calm herself down, and it happened often. Though it only started with a small presentation she would eventually become a rather well-known spokesperson. It was her job, but the act of public speaking never seemed to get easier, and because of that she always turned towards tea and, unknowingly, Léona himself.

As often happens Léona became somewhat attached to the human who, in a sense, created him and overtime built up the confidence to show himself to her. He remembers her being ecstatic the first time which also managed to bring him out of his own shell. For awhile they would meet often and she would often confide in him about issues in her life. They seemed to share one large thing in common; they both struggled with making friends. But, since they could talk to each other, it didn't seem like such a huge problem at the time.

Eventually though the human who Léona grew so attatched too would begin to grow up. As she aged she called on Léona less and less since, from her perspective, he was simply an imaginary friend. It was very slow at first so Léona didn't really notice, but the final nail in the coffin came when she began dating someone. From that point on it was rare for Léona to be called on and, even when he was, it was rarely to chat. Feeling a bit hurt Leona started showing himself to her less as well only reinforcing her belief that he was something imagined. Without a word he would eventually find himself never being called on and left to wonder what went wrong. Was he not good enough? Did she simply grow to dislike him? Maybe she just grew tired? It didn't seem to matter though. Before he knew it she had long forgotten about him.

Lumiere Boyfriend

Leona met Lumiere by coincedence when going to a spot he thought was a secret and well hidden. He tried to run at first, but Lumiere was surprisingly persistant in talking to him. He would later admit to Leona it was because he thought they were pretty similar. Lumiere is the one who got Leona into photography and helped him develop a lot of his hobbies by trying new things. They regularly participate in each others hobbies and interests as a lot of them overlap.

Glace | Friend

Glace was one of the first people Leona worked with as a photographer, and it was thanks to him that Leona would get more jobs. This wasn't why the two became friends, though, and it had more to do with them having many things in common. Leona could tell Glace wasn't completely honest with his feelings and, understanding that, decided to try and befriend him. He simply didn't want Glace to end up lonelier than necessary.

Riddle | Friend

One of the few people Leona calls a friend. He doesn't interact with Riddle much around others as he doesn't like going along with Riddle's fake persona, but when it's just the two of them he's far more comfortable. Leona might wish to be less shy, but he can't agree with Riddle hidding his "undesirable" traits from others.

Jaymi | Friend

Leona and Jaymi actually started out with a rocky relationship. Leona initially disliked Jaymi because he was "special" and found the idea that they were both so far apart in ability frustrating. He also though Jaymi would've been the type to be very stuck up and arrogant, though wasn't more wrong. They became friends after Jaymi's charm broke but they've been inseperable since.
