Basic Info




2,578 (28.3 in Spacemaids Years)


June 28th

Merform Height

6 Feet, 5 Inches

Hair Color


Tail Color

Blue and Yellow

Sexual Preference



Head of Earth's Council on the Sol System Division


Books, Astrology, Sun Bathing


Bigotry, Unnecessary Stalling, Pitch Black areas


Short version: Elara is the Head of Earth's Council in the Sol System Division of the Milky Way Galaxy Group of Universe 1.0 in the year 2651 who arrived to earth in the 2550s. She loves to read books after researching for so long and enjoys a nice swim in the sunlight.

Long Version:

   She was born near the beginning of AD/CE, seeing the worlds form and molded within the solar systems. By the 26th century, she was astounded by all the space stations and ships around Earth, as they traveled the stars like the comet she lived on or patrol the globe with the sun shinning on them. It wasn't until the 2550s where spacemaids could stay and become a part of the people, though it was awkward for some given the fact they can swim in the air without the need of magic. Elara was one of the first to take this chance and wanted to integrate into the society while still being a spacemaid. She ended up spending most of her time in the libraries of Earth, reading and studying the different cultures and events that have taken place over the centuries, it was hard compacting all this information at first in her head, but overtime she was able to do so. Not only that but going from library to library helped her see more of the world and while it was in a much nicer and friendlier place than it has been in centuries, there were still small instances of unrest that she noticed.

   Almost a century after Spacemaids were allowed to settle on Earth, Elara planned to run as a head of one of the countries after staying in one for so long and knowing the culture. She ended up winning by a landslide by knowing and feeling exactly what her people wanted... but that ended up making her nominated for the position of the Head of Earth's Council. But first she had to prove her worth as the head of a country and either keep it stable or improve it, and improved she did. Often helping out the community and investing in parts of it to help with people getting happier lives in the long run. Years later was the voting for the next Head of Earth's Council and she ends up winning the title by what felt like the skin of her teeth with her morals winning her versus the opponent's popularity. 

   The year is now 2651, Elara Capricorn has now been the Head of Earth's Council in the Sol System Division of the Milky Way Galaxy Group of Universe 1.0, or simply the Head of Earth's Council for years now and has been simply trying to maintain the peace on Earth while slowly seeing what needs to make the world better. She still has to listen to her higher ups but she still prefers being here and helping with looking after this big blue ball in space.