cherry cheerwine



3 years, 11 months ago


retired retainer. dumb as bricks and a real, true airhead - mostly benevolent but she sometimes forgets that other people haven't the same luck in life that she has and can make some really insensitive remarks. pretty shallow too! overall very sweet, you just have to be willing to deal with the Dust she got for a brain

technically a dalmascan refugee, but she left the forest by accident fifty or so years ago and then was too embarrassed about how bad she messed up to try and go back.... so she went and got herself a job as a retainer! she was super in demand bc. everybody loves a bnuuy. and there are NOT many viera ladies running around so she got to charge exorbitant prices for regular work! very comfortably retired and one of the normies in kuroshimae. she's actually here to fish and not because she needed therapy (can youfucking imagine).

she has a really shitty rat of a carbuncle that she cant control at all. she thinks he's not a bother, But He Is. he like chews shit up and bites people and just like SUCKS im telling you he sucks ASS!!!!!!!!!

idk about her forest name but she just likes cherries ^____^