


4 years, 11 days ago


The mad one

Name Rogue
Age 500 000+
Gender Male
Race Bastard/Nature Angel
Ability Pyrokenises(Green flames
Single/Taken Single


Ghost ghost ghost.. Where do we start? From being a arrogant and dominant feral type of angel too someone who have a hard time showing they really care about a person, Ghost is best of two worlds. Ghost is someone more.. wilder, having trouble to explain and show close ones that they care or love them, he can easily get attached but can also get detached within seconds. All it takes for him to emediently start to dislike someone is: Not showing submission, provoking or having a cocky attitude, the smallest of things can trigger him and god have mercy if you dare to snap back at this boy. If he get's attached too a person and they show a single sign of something that can braek his trust too him, will he snap and bite like a striking snake, he wont hesitate to chase you off, and trust me on that one. Ghost, is very complicated, he comes off as calm at first and someone collected, but he really is more feral and aggressive then what is shown in person. Ghost is hard to put in place and makeing him listen to you wont help unless you got his patters figured out aka, figure out how a feral angel works. Sometimes will actions speak louder then words, and this is important if you encounter Ghost. Bpdylanguage is very important since if you just run up to him, can he take it as a challenge and strike out, he only speaks when it's nessesary.

"You humans are so.. fragile. One touch and you'll break."

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