
The shadow

Name Zeus

Age 500 000+

Gender Male

Race Bastard/ Nature Angel

Ability Shadow manipulating

Single/Taken Taken


Zeus is somewhat chaotic not afraid of speaking his mind, but won't get his ass in trouble unless it's needed, same with being kind. Of you respect Zeus will he respect you back, but if you give him shit will you recieve shit back. Besides from having a confusing and layed back personality mostly, is Zeus VERY dominant, and this is where many males of all kind of species get's in trouble with him, and the only time Zeus will start a fight on purpose too show who the boss is, and he won't back down until he have won the other ower, a side effect for being the son of Inmiac, and sadly did "little" Zeus get maybe a bit too much of this dominant gene, it's common among his kind, but Zeus seems too have a problem controlling this, making him a tad bit more.. Aggressive. But he do have a gentle side, if you manage too catch him on a good day, or happen too be a lady. He can still be a blunt jerk, half the things cmoing from his mouth are insults or as he says; The truth.

"" Ah, how nice it is too look DOWN on shit heads like you all." "

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