


7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info






5' 11"




Medium frame, healthy, with good muscle tone. Ectomorphic - People with an ectomorphic body type are naturally thin and lightly build with flat chest and poorly muscled limbs. They can usually eat as much as they want without gaining fat. Extreme ectomorphs are commonly described as "skinny" individuals.. Minimal body hair, with color similar to skin tone


Oval - Only slightly narrower at the jaw line than at the temples, with a gently rounded hairline. Hazel eyes that slant up. Average irises, average eye spacing, and average-sized eyes. Protruding eyes. Flat eyebrows, medium-height eyebrows. Average forehead with no features. for facial hair.


Long, light brown hair. Smooth long hair to the middle of his back with long bangs


Light beige, normal skin.


The Aquiline nose is slightly convex, usually with a bump. A medium bridge, rounded tip, and medium base. Underside of nose is flat.


Bottom and top lips are equal in proportion and fullness. Top lip is a Cupid's bow shape.


Medium hands with long-length, medium-width fingers that have rounded tips. Rounded palms with few deep lines. Short fingernails. Manicured nails

Health Issues

Headache casually




Middle pitch


Average but unique

Facial Expressions

Calm and innocent


Pearl and gold accessories

Myers Briggs Personality Type

ENTP TypeLogic ENTP Profile ( Lifexpolore ENTP Description ( MBTI Types (Terse)


Reluctant Leader - Will step in if the group needs a leader, but not interested in power.

Group Role

Coach Coaches try to create harmony in the world around them, by building rapport with people, creating a positive team atmosphere, looking after people's welfare, motivating people and/or providing a service to the satisfaction of others. They value people's contributions, seek to develop the role that others play, and invest a lot of effort in building positive relationships. They try to overcome differences of opinion and find ways in which the team can agree. This role most closely corresponds with ESFJ, ENFJ Myers Briggs personality types.


Skylar is a demon who has the smooth features of an innocence. he  is confident and charismatic,, he has habit of treating others kindly,, fashion wise, he loves anything that has lace decorations and pearls / gems, he loves being feminine and would change his hairstyle often.


Style of Thinking:
"Realists tend to have a direct, forceful, frank appearance, not necessarily aggressive, but sometimes that too". They are no-nonsense people. The main strategy employed by a realist is that of Empirical Discovery. They like things concrete and rely very much on their senses to tell them about the world.
The realist will ask the hard questions and believe that in order to accomplish anything you must first set objectives and come up with an agenda for accomplishing your goals. They like to have a clear picture of where they're heading. The realist relies on fact but not in the same way as the analyst. The analyst is more of a "data" person. There is definitely a strong correlation between data and facts but many facts can not be considered hard data.

The realist understands the resources that they have at hand and has a much better grasp of just what can be accomplished with them. They like to simplify things. The more you break down complex problems into simpler problems the easier they are to solve and the clearer they become. Realists also have a much better idea of their limitations. They won't hesitate to bring in outside expert help when it's required.

Realists are people with strong opinions and are "matter of fact" people. They have a low tolerance for ambiguity and prefer immediate facts. Their main strength comes in setting clear, near term objectives.