


3 years, 11 months ago



 Omega Antediluvians

Omega Antediluvians


The nine traits known as the cardinal sins are man's greatest assets when used properly. The job of the Omega Antediluvians is to call out the hypocrisy of sins by creating proof of this statement.

Each Omegadiluvian represents a sin. They use their abilities as Antediluvians to instruct one entity at a time in how to properly control their respective sin. This allows the entity to unlock its true potential while not harming itself or others.


Omegadiluvians posess the global Antediluvian powers of nonlinear thinking and clairvoyance; they can see the past, present, and all possible futures. They use this information to guide their users, though they do not have to give it straightforward (they use it for their own reference more than as a fortunetelling tool).
Omegadiluvians are imperceptible to all entities that aren't also Antediluvian users.
They can communicate with their users through telepathy; they typically pretend to speak physically as well.


Omegadiluvians are the ultimate guides that will make their users follow their chosen paths no matter how it must happen. They use their knowledge of the multiverse to manipulate their entities into doing the right things, employing their sin in their guidance. If their user won't follow their instructions directly, they refer to a future where they can do so indirectly and follow that course of action.

Trivia // Details

The concept of Omegadiluvians was based on the Celebritarian art movement, which is the idea that much of the negative things in humanity come from the concept and application of fame, however the best thing an individual can do for themselves is to gain fame. It's a choice between doing what's right for the world and doing what's right for yourself, which is virtually impossible to balance unless you have a demigod by your side who knows exactly how to do just that.
The double cross is the symbol of Celebritarianism and is referenced in Omegadiluvians often.

The symbol of the Omegadiluvians is the nine-sided enneagram (or enneagon, nonagon, nonagram, or nonangle). It is intended to reference the satanist Sigil of Baphomet, or the pentagram. In that context, the pentagram is a symbol of intellectual omnipotence and of obscenity. This ties back to Antediluvians because they are a twisted solution to a problem of intellegence and opportunity.
Furthermore, the enneagon itself is a symbol of personality and creativity.

Seven of the nine sins listed are recognizable from the Christian Seven Deadly Sins, or Cardinal Sins. The other two, Acedia and Vainglory, are sins that used to be Deadly Sins, however past popes have decided they were too similar to Sloth and Pride respectively, so they were dropped from the list. When closely examined, Acedia and Sloth are two different things, as with Pride and Vainglory, so they are considered seperate for Antediluvians.

Omegadiluvians by Sin

Links are external and lead to individual profiles with ref sheets/images


The sin of lust is intense longing or desire.


The sin of gluttony is overindulgence or overconsumption.


The sin of greed is the extreme desire of material possessions.


The sin of sloth is the lack of interest in exertion.


The sin of wrath is uncontrolled feelings of anger and a thirst for vengeance.


The sin of envy is the desire for the traits or posessions of another.


The sin of pride is selfishness and overwhelming feelings of dignity.


The sin of acedia is the willful neglect of one's obligations.


The sin of vainglory is the display of excessive vanity.



Antediluvian of Vainglory

True to her sin, Vitriol loves herself. If she doesn't, she changes herself so she does. This is the same mindset she instills in her users.

Vitriol is violent, headstrong, and passionate, the most dangerous of the Omegadiluvians due to the great emotional impact of her sin.

‡  Vitriol's narcissism doesn't get in the way of her work.
‡  Her left ear is dislocated. It rests lower than her right ear.
‡  The eye under her mane is never visible.
‡  Despite buffs from being an Antedivulian, and unlike her other catlike counterparts, Vitriol doesn't always land on her feet.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  


Antediluvian of Lust

Manson is the definition of charisma. He's sassy, silly, yet serious when it comes to getting what you lust for. He encourages confidence and charm in his users, helping them to safely satisfy their deepest desires.

Manson's personality ranges from classy to dramatic to fun: whatever it takes to get the job done right while leaving the best possible impression.

‡  Manson's eye markings, combined with his scar, were intended to look like a certain symbol.
‡  In the case of two lovers, instead of influencing the target, Manson prefers to manipulate the user into something both parties love.
‡  Manson has a soft spot for fine art.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  

      Coma White  

Antediluvian of Acedia

Coma White always appears distant, aloof, and acutely aware of her surroundings, as if she's always high. Nothing is wrong with her; acting this way means her users are always comfortable with her around, if not a bit unsettled.

Coma White doesn't force anyone to do anything and doesn't cause any trouble. She guides by example and prefers speaking ambiguously.

‡  Coma White is a white cat with blue eyes, which in her case does corrolate to being deaf. However, by making use of her clairvoyance, she is still aware of auditory stimuli without physically hearing it.
‡  Some users remain completely unaware that she is deaf.
‡  Compared to the other Antediluvians, Coma White appears younger and more innocent.
‡  Her expression never changes from being extremely overjoyed.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  


Antediluvian of Greed

Atlas, dealing in all types of greed, must occasionally take on the difficult task of letting monetary greed exist while not interfering with the circulation of money. He turns his users into expert entrepreneurs when necessary, aiming to increase their ability to gain rather than simply gaining.

Atlas is very positive and cooperative, and is expecially careful to explain difficult topics in ways his users will understand.

‡  When working with cryptocurrency or digital accounts, Atlas uses an identity named Lennart, Leo, or Leonard.
‡  He tends to smile to the point where it's unsettling.
‡  Atlas prefers his name to be associated with the bone called atlas rather than the Greek god Atlas.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  


Antediluvian of Wrath

Dogma must channel his user's anger into a constructive resolution, arguably the hardest sin to properly work with. Dogma himself wears a mask of rage to sympathize with his user, not because he actually harbors anger, but because it helps his user accept his guidance.

Despite the nature of the sin of wrath, Dogma understands that sometimes the best response to a conflict is forgiveness.

‡  Dogma both acts and physically appears young.
‡  He is more bark than bite, but only because he has to be.
‡  Dogma's broken tail and scars don't hinder him in any way.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  


Antediluvian of Sloth

Anamnesis walks the fine line of laziness and tactical low effort masterfully. He manipulates his users into being in exactly the right place at the right time, effectively making them the most efficient so they have the most time to themselves. He is a master of time management, despite the laid-back composure.

Anamnesis appears perpetually bored and isn't afraid to be uncooperative with his users. Sometimes being a nuisance to his user is the best way to guide them.

‡  Unlike most Antediluvians, at first glance, Anamnesis isn't malicious; instead he's simply uninterested.
‡  He is one of the only Antediluvians that intentionally clash with his user.
‡  Anamnesis speaks and acts slowly per his own choice, and tends to be just shy of graceful.
‡  When he wants to, his advice can be extremely deep and worth pondering.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  


Antediluvian of Gluttony

Àgogo appeases those who always want more by removing luck from the equation. He instructs his users in exploitation, using loopholes to work around set systems. Àgogo walks a fine line, since what he does must be nondestructive and renewable, two traits that are nearly antonyms of his sin.

Àgogo is sly yet cheerful, and his deceptive nature doesn't go unnoticed. He often celebrates a big win alongside his user.

‡  Àgogo might occasionally play on cultural ideas of luck or economical luck.
‡  Àgogo is ambiverted.
‡  He prefers users who indulge in things other than food, but when dealing with such users, he also prioritizes keeping their health in check.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  


Antediluvian of Pride

Credo's goal is to put her user above all others. It's all about dignity and confidence. Entitlement is something she must work with her user to control and utilize, not to eliminate.

Credo's absolute belief in herself might make her appear aloof or apathetic, but nothing can triumph over her confidence.

‡  Credo's credo is as follows: she is above all else, and all else is beneath her.
‡  Credo cares about her appearance rather deeply.
‡  It takes a lot to truly insult Credo, since she feels other's opinions are incorrect.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  


Antediluvian of Envy

Voxel deals with diffusing the ugly emotion of jealousy. This could involve him instructing his users on how to gain what others have, but could also involve persuading his users into accepting what they have, shedding the jealousy to become a bigger person.

Voxel himself envies the lives his users have. He's a rather straightforward individual who is usually quite friendly.

‡  Whether or not Voxel's cyborg half is the result of envy or the cause of it is unknown.
‡  The cyborg parts do give him enhanced abilities and the ability to speak in a robotic voice, though they don't help him any more than basic Antediluvian abilities do.
‡  Voxel pretends his abilities are due to his cyborg half, and usually his users don't know better.
‡  His green eye glows in the dark and expands and retracts like an aperture.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma