


4 years, 4 days ago

Basic Info


stargazing, collecting, fruits


bugs, getting wet, crowded places


Stellar hunter

bubbly • fun-loving • introspective


Nicknames Stel
Species dragon shapeshifter
Gender unknown
Pronouns any
Sexuality asexual
Alignment chaotic good

• tail length roughly 2.5x height
• tail end is flat and feathered
• tail is not prehensile, but can push objects

Stellar lives in a tower a little ways out from the busy centre of town. They like the peace and quiet, and they like looking out at the town at sunset. They have a bit of a penchant for interior decorating, and the look of the tower can change pretty dramatically on a whim. They're a wanderer, going wherever the wind takes them, literally and figuratively. They like to just sit and observe things and imagine. They can often be found spacing out and might need a wave or a tap on the shoulder to be called back to the present.

Though on the outside they're always cheerful, with an adventurous spirit and a childlike wonder and playfulness, it's an attitude they work hard to keep up. Maybe it's something they do to keep the sadness at bay. Their lifelong friend and roommate, Sunstill, says they weren't always this way - they used to be much more serious. If you manage to probe deeper, he'll tell you about their younger brother, Aster.

A small group of eight young dragons living in the Dragonlands, the Sky Clan was part of the growing phenomenon of youths more willing to be social than the older generations, more ready to work together and drive off larger dragons for their territory instead of the traditional method of skulking around the edges of others' territories and expanding their stake over time. Aster was always the cheerful one of the group, keeping everyone in high spirits even when the winter was biting cold and the hunting was sparse. He could always be counted on to find the silver lining to every cloud and the good in every darkened heart, even the hearts of the self-styled Great Kings.

Ancient dragons as large and old as mountains, seldom venturing out of their cavernous lairs, the Great Kings ruled the Dragonlands for millennia. Incensed by the young dragons' unorthodox methods, they roused themselves to go to war. They razed the territories, destroying forests and rivers, killing wildlife, creating huge swaths of uninhabitable charred land. The dragonlets and even some of the adults fought back. There were casualties on both sides, but the number of deaths on the dragonlets’ side was far greater. Among them was the entire Sky Clan, save for Stellar and Sunstill.

The last thing Aster said to Stellar was to remind them that laughter is contagious.

Sunstill was the one who urged them to flee; Stellar wanted to stay, to help the survivors fight and recover, but Sunstill convinced them it was time to go. They flew until they could fly no longer; they hid, rested, ate, and flew some more. It was days before Stellar came out of the shock to even cry. Sunstill, a pacifist, played the role of messenger throughout the war; though he saw violence, it was never by his own hand. Stellar's magic is largely defensive, and they blame themself deeply for the deaths of their family members. They say they suffer insomnia now, but it's more that they're avoiding the nightmares. They keep a vigilant watch over their new home, keeping Sunstill safe, keeping themself safe. Perhaps in memory of Aster, or perhaps simply because they feel it's the right way to move on, they adopted his optimistic outlook as best they could.