Koan (Story - The First Date)


Basic Info




Contains some suggestive content


“A date…? Why do you want to go on a date all of a sudden…?”

Kyeran grumbled as he stood his ground, his back to a wall outside the coffee shop, a piece of sweetened gum rolling around on the surface of his tongue. He hated waiting, especially since he just wanted to get this whole thing started considering all of the trouble he had been to. But Koan had desperately wanted a coffee and of course, the line was longer than the demon would have liked. Honestly, if Koan hadn’t agreed to buy him something sweet, Kyeran would have probably just dragged the blonde away.

“I mean… sure, but there’s just one condition, alright?”

Plus, Kyeran had promised that he’d be on his best behaviour today anyway, so there was a

limit to how… aggressive he could actually be. It was one of the many terms Koan had laid out when Kyeran had asked him out on a date, much to his own chagrin. As he thought back to it, he let another grumble of discontent rise from his throat. The things he did for this guy…

“I’m not having you causing a scene when we’re in the middle of a shop or something. You’ll just have to deal with it ok?”

Sighing, he spat out the wad of gum into the open trash can just across from him, firing it in with pinpoint accuracy. At the end of the day, he supposed it wouldn’t be so bad, but he really wasn’t sure if he could actually make it through an entire date without causing some sort of ruckus.

After all, they had quite the itinerary lined up and there were only so many opportunities for mischief that he could pass up.

He’d either have to be careful or…

“Behaving yourself out here Kyeran…?”

Kyeran’s gaze flinched sideways and standing in the open doorway of the coffee shop was Koan, giving him a knowing look. There was still a sweet, irresistible smile on his lips though, so things weren’t too bad just yet. The demon rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated groan, before teasingly and roughly rummaging a palm through the blonde’s shimmering locks.

“I ain’t getting into trouble… yet.”

Koan winced a little and sighed, clearly displeased at the thinly veiled threat of mischief. A serious look came over him as he pulled away from Kyeran’s hand.

“You know I was being serious… you wanted this date, so you’re going to have to-

“-be on my best behaviour! Yeah, yeah… I know… geez.”

A deep growl rumbled from his throat as his previously rustling palm moved to the back of his neck. Normally he really wouldn’t take this sort of lip and do whatever he pleased, he really wasn’t under any sort of obligation to play nice. He even wondered why he was putting up with this, before remembering that a small and ultimately significant part of him wanted this.

Looking back to Koan, the shorter man’s brow quirked. Hesitating for a moment, Kyeran eventually nodded before shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Alright… promise. Now where are we headed first?”

Koan briskly, with his spare hand, dug Kyeran’s hand back out of his pocket and ensnared it within his own grip. The demon would have resisted but instead he just looked to his date with a bemused expression.

“Where else? Shopping of course!”


Without any sort of explanation for the sudden handholding, Koan started to lead the way, while taking the occasional sip from his sweetened latte. Kyeran kept his other hand firmly tucked inside of his pocket, unsure if he loathed the idea of him and his date holding hands or if he actually enjoyed it.


Kyeran’s foot tapped impatiently on the hard floor of the clothes store. It had only been about an hour so far, but that was exactly the problem; they had spent an hour at the clothing store, which was more or less business as usual when you knew Koan.

If he was wearing a watch, he probably would have been having a more successful date with it at that point. Letting an agitated groan escape his throat, he abruptly stopped his tapping and gripped Koan’s shoulder, tugging at him a little bit.

“You gonna be looking for much longer?”

As if that was a stupid question, the blonde looked back at Kyeran with a somewhat bemused expression.

“Uh… yes? Isn’t that what I usually do…?”

Dragging a hand down his face, Kyeran shook his head.

“No no… I mean, that’s what you usually do but… aren’t we supposed to be on, you know, a date?”

Smirking cockily back at Kyeran, Koan just scoffed before rolling his eyes lazily.

“Listen, you were the one who asked me out on a date. If you had maybe made the plans yourself…”

Baring his teeth, he opened his mouth to retaliate, but the more he thought about it, he realized that he didn’t have a good retort. Instead, he simply grunted in silence before kicking the clothes rack and stuffing his hands back into his pockets.

He really didn’t want to admit it, but Koan was right on the money. He could have probably avoided all of this, but as usual he decided to palm off the work to Koan instead. As much as he wanted to cause more of a fuss, he was completely trapped. He could do little but just sulk and grumble to himself.


Koan didn’t seem convinced that everything was ‘fine’ but he went back to perusing the railing anyway, not being concerned enough to actually do anything. Going into full on sulk mode, Kyeran continued to stomp around the store by himself, occasionally making sure to return to the same clothing rack that his date seemed to be fixed to, usually to give him the worst stink eye he could possibly muster before trudging off again.

Whenever the demon’s back was turned, Koan couldn’t help but snicker. He had long since exhausted that railing and was more or less just playing things up for the heck of it. It was so rare that he got a prime opportunity to mess his friend about like this and while he certainly wasn’t about to go to any great effort just to rile them up, a low effort tease such as this was more than enough.

In the end though, he looked at his glistening, designer watch and even his eyes widened. He had been so absorbed in causing a little bit of mischief, that he had completely lost track of time. Their date had begun before midday and it was now a few hours after the fact. Koan knew he had to reign himself in at this point, lest they missed the opportunity to have some actual fun.
Placing back all of the clothes on the railing, he poked his head around the corner, looking for Kyeran, only to have someone bark at him from behind.

“You finally done? You buying anything or what?”

Briskly turning, Koan shrugged and innocently shook his head, feigning boredom to his companion.

“Nah, not today. Guess I’ll just have to come back some other time.”

Dragging a hand down his face and letting out a rumbling groan, Kyeran looked ready to tear into the blonde, but didn’t get the chance as Koan was briskly walking out of the shop, dragging Kyeran along behind him, just as he had done on the way to the store. This was made all the more difficult thanks to Kyeran dragging his feet, but Koan found amusement in this, so that wasn’t too much of an issue.

Plus, he knew that Kyeran would at least get to blow off some steam at their next location.


The myriad flashing lights of the arcade stretched out in front of them, a mass of noises resonating around those lights in a chaotic symphony of electronic entertainment. Groups of kids and adults alike huddled around the machines, plugging in quarter after quarter, eager to get further with each one or hoping that in the next match, victory will be theirs.

Kyeran looked out over it and a smirk crept onto his lips, those rows of shimmering teeth glistening. There was a competitive spirit in the air and it mixed so effortlessly with his own. He knew that after being forced to endure an eon in that clothing store, he was definitely going to get some payback now.

This! This is more like it!

Turning towards Koan, the demon’s smirk widened and the determined glimmer in his eyes seemed to shoot from his gaze. Koan seemed less enthused, but a smirk still sat upon his lips. He enjoyed video games, but he certainly wasn’t as eager to get one up on Kyeran. He’d play along though, since he really did want to have fun and for Kyeran to have fun, despite his earlier teasing.

“What’s that smirk for?”

Fist flew to palm as Kyeran crackled his fingers intimidatingly, his leer getting all the more menacing. Koan had to admit, he felt his heart flutter for a moment, a warmth also spreading through his cheeks.

“Oh, you know… just thinking about how I’m gonna mop the floor with you.”

Rolling his eyes at Kyeran, despite how attractive that look he was getting was, Koan yanked out his wallet and plucked free a few notes to turn into change.

“I guess we’ll see about that. Don’t get too cocky!”

Kyeran continued to smirk before leaning in close to Koan’s ear, grumbling something in a low, husky tone.

 “I’ll pound your ass, like I always do~”

Pulling away and snatching those notes from Koan, the dusk skinned devil wandered towards a change machine, leaving the blonde to blush up a storm. Pursing his lips together, he fumed for a moment watching Kyeran as he left before exhaling and shaking his head. After that moment of hesitation, he stormed after his date.

“Don’t think I’m going to let that comment slide, jerk!”


Predictably, Kyeran had come out on top, mostly by sheer tenacity of his competitive and petty spirit alone. Not that Koan hadn’t made it difficult for him, but there was only so much effort that the blonde could plug into games like that before he wanted to play something else. They probably went through just about every arcade machine in the place before Kyeran had determined he was the victor. Koan wasn’t about to argue, especially since he had enjoyed himself too, even though he knew he’d be subjected to the demon’s constant bragging and boasting all the way to their next stop, the cinema.

Unfortunately, the choice of movies had been pretty grim. Kyeran had insisted they not go home though and just picked something at random, much to Koan’s annoyance.

So there they were, two guys watching what was basically the most boring romance movie you could ever imagine. Kyeran griped and shuffled about in his seat, his rear feeling as if it had been injected with a heap of tranquilizers. His gaze was anywhere but the screen at this point, unable to give even a fraction of attention towards the shlock on the screen. Looking around, he examined everyone else in the surprisingly full screen. It wasn’t packed, but there was a smattering of couples who seemed to be having a much better time than he was.

Turning to Koan, he was about to suggest they leave early. Much to his surprise though, Koan seemed to be focusing intently on the screen. Whether he was actually interested or bored out of his mind was another matter entirely, but he could barely even believe that the blonde was watching at all.

Without much else to do, Kyeran turned back towards the screen, only to see the couple begin to make out. Rolling his eyes he huffed, before his gaze shifted once again to Koan. His attention darting back and forth between his date and the movie, he suddenly got an idea and that devilish smirk once again crept up his lips.

Koan suddenly felt a nudge at his side and, somewhat gladly, he tore his eyes away from the screen to Kyeran and spoke to him in a whisper, his brow quirking curiously.


That leer that had made Koan’s spine tremble returned and he could instantly feel his cheeks flare up once more.

“Want to show these guys how it’s really done…?”

Confused for just a moment, Koan suddenly understood as Kyeran leaned in to plant a forceful smooch upon his lips, leaving him without room, or the desire, to complain. Leaning into it, Koan began to grind his lips back into Kyeran, letting a long sigh escape him as he did so.

As Koan pushed, Kyeran would push back, slipping his tongue into Koan’s mouth, teasing the blonde’s pink lips with his heavy, darkened tongue. As his tongue would travel deeper, it would tangle with Koan’s, rubbing against it as the two lost themselves into their own world for a moment. Neither of them cared, not for a single moment. They were happy to be wrapped up in themselves for a moment, rather than be subjected to another moment of the ‘romance’ on the big screen before them.

Just as they began to forget where they were, Kyeran’s hand reaching in to stroke Koan’s inner thigh, they felt a presence looming over them in the aisle, both of them stopping mid kiss to look at him. A custodian stood there, a less than pleased look on his features.

“Hey, watch the movie or take it outside. Your choice.”

Kyeran growled, before looking back down to Koan. The blonde shook his head at him, as if he knew exactly what he was thinking about doing. His face was the very picture of embarrassment, although there was definitely a sense that he would have kept going had they not have been interrupted.

Rolling his eyes, Kyeran stood up, his hands in his pockets and began to trudge his way out of the screen, the custodian following him and Koan, just to make sure they didn’t get into any more trouble.

“Movie was a load of garbage anyway…”


Koan sighed as he threw himself onto his bed, just about ready to call it a night. After everything, all of the mischief, the shenanigans and the like, he felt as if things had actually gone well, especially considering it had only been their first date. Certainly, he was physically exhausted, mentally too, but there was a sincere smile still etched upon his lips, which to him, was proof enough.

As he lay there, he heard heavy footsteps steadily approach and eventually, Kyeran was holding himself over him, his shadow dominating his much more lithe and diminutive form. The same devilish grin he had held at the arcade and the theatre was present once more, completely dripping with a hidden, lustful agenda. The blonde had immediately found himself in a compromising position and while his cheeks flared and the rhythm of his heart accelerated, he continued to smirk inquisitively, quirking his brow.

“What do you think you’re doing? I thought you’d be sick of me by now.”

Slowly, Kyeran descended until his face was a hair away from Koan. The demon’s hands pushed firmly into the blonde’s shoulders to keep him pressed into the bed, as if his own heavy, muscular body wasn’t enough to keep him down completely. Koan made no attempt to escape though, even though he was certainly intimidated. He knew all too well what was about to happen.

“We were interrupted at the theatre… don’t you think we should make up for lost time?”

Sighing heatedly, Koan hesitated before nodding slowly, leaning up to press his lips into Kyeran’s, the demon immediately pushing back in retaliation.

Their heartbeats thumped against one another in complete unison as they capped off their first ever date in the best way they knew how.