Tyche- TG Cafe AU



4 years, 2 days ago



Age:19 (11/14)Gender: Male ♂Height: 5’7 1/2
  • Eyecolour: Light Royal Blue/baby blue
  • Haircolour: Light Brown
 Class: MeleeWeapon(s): Escrima Stick (Metal)
  • Cooking
  • keen eye with getting fresh and quality Ingridents
  • Manslave
 Favorite Food/Drink:
  • Honeystars 
  • Hojicha... starting to like coffee

Battle Stats

Café Stats




Tyche is Kind and extremely doting to his friends and family, he does not have a lot but he keeps them close to him. Tyche would be always try to observe things and his action but when he sees someone in the line he won't hesitate to jump in.

Growing up with his parent figure Taho, Tyche developed a docile personality towards authority which he only considered, Tyche can be blunt at most times but due to growing up in a sheltered community he tends to be awkward towards to others, He can come out friendly at first meeting him but his shyness get over him especially when pointed out with others. 

He tends to overreact (and a crybaby) with things he does not know and due to living from a rural village and being sheltered he is very naive to a lot of things that he sometimes looks stupid- but he is very willing to learn!


Tyche comes from a rural village outside Topaz City, His family owns a family business which focuses in farming produce and manufacturing pickles named Pickle ShrineTM 
which has been in the business for more than 30 years.  Taho who currently owns the said company decided to expand their business to city 10 years ago and built a greenhouse in the Black Forest District which main focus is to cultivate rare plants and produce from different countries, and to study plant's behavior growth under certain land conditions and such.
Taho has been collaborating with The Valkoinen family who is known in medicine and Chemical Science And with Giovanni Family which focuses in horticulture.

As of today Tyche is aware about how influential his family to certain areas of the city but he lives in a modest lifestyle and a slave for taho's household chores    Tyche was brought to the city about 10 years ago where in Taho decided to focus on their research in Topaz City. Taho wanted Tyche to learn more about living in the city life and let him manages some errands for the the business from time to time. Tyche wanted to help to promote their family business further and for a change of view he went to the bay area to learn more about the coast.

He later found out The Grimoire while looking for a place to dine while reading some books he borrowed from the library.  He feel in love with the mountain brew he ordered and got particularly curious about it and decided to apply.


  • Taho - Guardian/parent figure
  • Hakin Valkoinen- childhood friend
  • Bena- childhood friend


  • Isayani- Roommate! He is cool, I hope he don't mind me dragging him to the market most of the times
  • Ford- Roommate #2, I haven't talked to him that much but he is quite close to Isa
  • Bena- I see her often in our greenhouse with taho, she gave me a scrunchie, cant wait to say thank you again soon
  • Blake- First encounter with her is in the groceries fighting over the last jar of pickles! she often seems tired whenever I see her, hope shes ok
  • Ace- Blake's friend, We often see each other together with blake when we go to the market place
  • Bell- First met her from saving a cat from a tree, ... she's cute 


  • Cooking
  • Household chores yes he is a waif material
  • Visiting the park and visiting pet shops 
  • Taking candid /random pictures using his phone(prob has a meme folder)
  • Watches informative videos /youtube


  • Knows self defense 
  • Good with using a knife 
  • Hakin suggested to get a pink bike so it would be less likely to be stolen 
  • Hakin calls him Jindo (dog)
  • Is actually shy about his tattoos reason he grows out his bangs to cover it
  • his forehead markings gets mistaken as his eyebrows.... 2nd pair of eyebrows
  • Tyche's eye color is unique compared to his clan mates He possessed the the clearest eyes amongst themselves
  • always brings small packs of honeystars with him, his go to snack/sweets