Larus Aguta



7 years, 5 months ago


(Larus like many of the other princes are open to be played by others to have their own twist on them)

Characters Name: Larus Aguta

Race: Artic Vixenian

Sex: male

Birthday: Oct 30th

Age: 28

Occupation: eldest son of Shishan

Family: uncle is Xue who is now a council representative of Shishan, Xue is his mothers brother

Appearance: 6’, darkly tanned skin with long elegant lashes, almost feminine form but well toned of a survivalist fighter, extremely handsome despite his cold exterior. He has paler skin along the left side of his abdomen from an extreme burn left by a Nar Fil as well as deep scars from the creature’s claws over his right shoulder and on his back. The attack left him bed ridden for a month as he had been out of the city causing him to not get the healing that was needed for days as well as having to deal with suffering from hypothermia.

Hair: Snow white hair that when lose falls down to just above his hips with long bangs that often fall in his face when not swept to the side, he almost always has two small braids set with beads and charms on the left side of his face. Often he keeps his hair pulled back in a braid or tail aside from a few strands against his face including his braids.

Eyes: steel grey eyes that hold almost no emotion, reminding many older people of his uncle in his younger days. The rare times he does loosen up enough to smile or even more rarely laugh they shine.

Fashion: He always seems to be wearing long sleeved and highly proper yet practical clothing that almost never seem to be wrinkled.

About: Larus is a proud and seemingly severely cold male who has an aversion to touching people or being touched, this is due to having one of the more curse like royal gifts of Death warning (the ability to see a person’s possible demise). He is highly affected by this due to the first time this gift decided to manifest was when he was on one of his first patrols which encountered a Nar Fil which massacred his entire group. He was the only survivor but ended up experiencing the full force of the impending deaths mentally as well as being frozen as it all happened before him. This encounter also gave him the scars as he was lost out in the frozen region. He has been to the capital of Taradel a number of times to visit his uncle Xue who is the elected council member for Shashin, this makes him actually familiar to a point with Tailz as they have meet before due to Xue being a good friend of her mother’s as well as her godfather.